Success: Facebook Cracks Down on Hate-Filled Propaganda-Spreader QAnon

Target: Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook

Goal: Encourage bans on groups like QAnon accused of spreading disinformation and radicalizing individuals to violence.

Facebook has long come under fire for taking a soft-pedal approach to users who share and spread damaging, sometimes dangerous misinformation and conspiracy theories. This ForceChange petition and its signers called on the influential social media giant to remove destructive, hate-filled propaganda. With its large-scale ban of one of the most pervasive spreaders of disinformation, QAnon, Facebook is finally listening.

The dark online conspiracy group began on controversial site 4Chan but has since infested multiple social medial platforms. It arose from the outlandish claims about a pizza restaurant-based child sex- trafficking ring allegedly run by prominent Democrats; this conspiracy seemingly led to attempted murder. Since then, the conspiracies supposedly coming from an anonymous person or persons named “Q” have grown more insidious. QAnon hubs have accused prominent government officials and Hollywood celebrities of everything from child rape to cannibalism to satanic worship. The selected martyr in these scenarios of attempted world domination is President Donald Trump. The president has benefitted substantially from the group circulating hostile and potentially life-endangering accusations against his political rivals. One recent offshoot of the conspiracy, for example, claimed former Vice President Joe Biden was a child molester. Convicted criminals have even cited QAnon as the inspiration for their violence.

Since the group has moved from the fringes to the mainstream, other platforms like Twitter have taken decisive steps to curb their dangerous influence. Facebook, the home to scores of QAnon accounts, joined these ranks in a big way by fully banning any affiliated pages or accounts from both its main site and its property Instagram. The ban will make it much more difficult for this group some have labeled a cult and an instrument for far-right radicalization to evade the rules and extend their grip.

Sign the petition below to applaud this long-overdue stand against violent and inflammatory propaganda.


Dear Mr. Zuckerberg.

Facebook has faced continued criticism for contributing to the spread of disinformation and propaganda. Your recent actions regarding the QAnon movement represent an important step in remedying this dangerous trend. Hundreds of accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers have already been affected, according to estimates.

Thank you for taking this important, crucial step, and please continue the fight against destructive lies, hate-mongering, and violence.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Joe Raedle


  1. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    QANON is NOT a conspiracy theory, nor is it dark, dangerous, or inciting violence! Force Change, along with other skeptics, will soon witness how the QANON movement is bringing LIGHT into the darkness of this world – stay tuned, because it’s going to be BIBLICAL!!! 😊

  2. Gillian Miller says:

    Tiffany is a hate monger of the worst order especially when someone has different views to her. Qnon is Christian based hence the hate!

  3. Neal Greenberg says:

    QAnon is bunch of fucking racist fucking assholes and domestic fucking terrorists.

    They should be fucking put in electrics chairs and fucking fried.

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