Success: Pathway Paved for Pot Legalization

Target: Chelsea Higgs Wise, Executive Director of Marijuana Justice

Goal: End disparities in criminal justice and healthcare by decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana.

Cannabis, pot, marijuana: whatever word one uses for this medical and recreational drug, the controversy of legalization has been simmering for years. Advocates for decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana have many arguments in their favor. The more deadly and more addictive alcohol has remained legal and largely unregulated for years. Arrests for marijuana possession disproportionately impact minorities, as evidenced by the recent case of a black Michigan man released after serving 25 years of a 60-year sentence (more than many convicted murders) for selling marijuana to an undercover agent. In addition, cannabis can be utilized as an effective treatment to alleviate the pain and discomfort of cancer patients and other sufferers of chronic illness.

Supporters of this ForceChange petition represent long-term calls for reform within the legal system regarding marijuana. Thanks to such efforts, 2020 has marked a year of promising change. The year began with Illinois becoming the latest of about a dozen states to legalize pot. Several other states accept medical uses for marijuana. Virginia in particular has become a hallmark of the country’s evolving attitudes. The state recently decriminalized marijuana possession and introduced a bill barring police from stopping and searching a person simply for smelling of pot. Medical distribution will soon become a reality, and next the state legislature plans to move toward full legalization.  During November’s elections, seven more states may join these ranks.

Sign the petition below to hail important steps toward cannabis-related criminal justice and healthcare reform.


Dear Ms. Higgs Wise,

While 2020 may not be remembered for many positive happenings, the year has marked an important turning of the tides in cannabis laws and the slow march toward reform. An ever-increasing number of states are coming to recognize the destruction of lives caused by unfairly harsh laws and the benefits of removing these archaic dictates. By year’s end, a victory in the battle for decriminalization and legalization could be closer than ever before.

Advocates like Marijuana Justice have made these achievements possible through diligence and steadfast resolve. Thank you for these meaningful contributions and keep up the good fight.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pablo Flores

One Comment

  1. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    Crimes involving marijuana should ALL be forgiven, the imprisoned released and records expunged.

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  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • John B
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Rebecca Elliott
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