Target: First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon
Goal: Thank Scotland’s government for giving longer prison sentences and harsher fines to people found guilty of abusing animals.
Animal abusers in Scotland will now be required to spend five years in prison, instead of one year if they are given a maximum sentence. In fact, all people found guilty of abusing animals will likely get stricter sentences from this point forward. This is great news, since more serious penalties may make it so less animals will be hurt or killed.
People found guilty of abusing animals will be liable for harsher fines and for a longer amount of time in jail. More serious punishments will also be given to people who are found guilty of abusing service animals. Inspectors and constables will further have more legal authority when it comes to treating, re-homing, or humanely euthanizing abused animals, as they will now be able to make such decisions without a court order.
Taking a stance to ensure animals are better protected clearly shows that Scotland leaders will not put up with people displaying such blatant cruelty toward helpless creatures. Sign this petition to thank the Scottish government for implementing a law which ensures animal abuse will be taken more seriously, and to tell other advocates who signed petitions like this one that you are thankful for their help.
Dear First Minister Sturgeon,
Increasing penalties for people found guilty of animal cruelty is a great step in right direction. We are thankful that people found guilty of the most heinous animal abuse crimes will now be required to spend five years in prison, rather than only one. We are especially hopeful that the new law will deter people from taking part in cruel acts against animals.
We also applaud the decision that animal abusers who commit lesser crimes will also be eligible to spend more time behind bars and that they may be subject to larger fines. Finally, we further support the decision that allows constables and inspectors to have more power when it comes to helping animals in need.
By putting a more stringent animal cruelty law in place, you are taking a stand, and setting a fantastic example. It is our hope that England and Wales will soon follow suit by increasing their short 6-month sentence for people who are found guilty of animal abuse. Thank you for taking serious measures to make sure animals are better protected.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Jami430
THANK GOD someone is seriously concerned about animal abuse & taking action!!! If Scotland can do it, so can the U.S.A. & ALL countries around the world. WAY TO GO, SCOTLAND!!!
It is a great start but the maximum should be life w/o parole. But upping it to 20 years max is a better start too. thank you Scotland, but it needs to be upped.
Animal abuse/killings need to be a major felony EVERYPLACE ON EARTH….Animals deserve to live the lives they were meant to live. IN MY OPINION