Success: Relief Money Secured for Native American Tribes

Target: Harold C. Frazier, Tribal Chairman of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe

Goal: Support efforts to secure federal aid for Native American tribes.

Native tribes took their quest for urgently needed aid to the courts after billions of dollars in aid promised to them have either been delayed or pledged to big-money corporations. The 574 recognized Native American tribes already face prolonged battles for federal aid, but the COVID-19 crisis has only compounded these problems. Thanks to diligence and commitment, as demonstrated by supporters of this ForceChange petition, the descendants of America’s first inhabitants will now receive their fair share.

The initial important victory came after tribes filed a suit protesting the planned distribution of roughly four billion dollars set aside for Native American relief to the for-profit Alaskan Native Corporations. A judge ruled strongly against this latest ode to corporate welfare by affirming that this big money machine does not meet the standards for a “tribal government.” Now, the money will go where it should….to the tribes.

This ruling, along with another threatened lawsuit, apparently forced the hand of a Treasury Department that has been dragging its heels on releasing any of the tribal relief funds promised under the CARES Act. After failing to meet the deadline for sending out these crucial funds, the Treasury Department has finally released “a path forward” for getting four billion of the eight billion dollars into the hands of some of the people who have suffered most during this time.

Sign the petition below to salute the tribes who fought for meaningful change and won.


Dear Mr. Frazier,

For too long, the federally recognized tribes of this country have dealt with systemic inequities in so many facets of life. The healthcare disparities loom especially large now. Congratulations on the recent important legal victories that can assure all of these tribes are no longer competing for help but receiving the aid they deserve together.

The eight billion dollars pledged by the CARES Act will not fall victim to corporate greed. Instead, this relief will benefit the men, women, and children who can truly make the investment worthwhile. Thank, you, and keep up the good fight.


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Photo Credit: Pixabay

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221 Signatures

  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • Alice Rim
  • John B
  • Evan Jane Kriss
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