Success: Permit for Keystone XL Pipeline Overturned

Target: Natural Resources Defense Council President, Rhea Suh

Goal: Thank Natural Resources Defense Council and other environmental groups for fighting to halt the building of a pipeline that would harm both animals and people.

A permit that the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline will need before construction can be completed was denied due to the National Resources Defense Council’s successful advocacy. If the pipeline is built, it could destroy multiple animal habitats, continue to make it so people rely on dangerous fossil fuels, and negatively impact the water resources of several communities. Stopping the approval of this permit is a win for the environment and those who signed this ForceChange petition.

Two animals that would likely be adversely affected by the pipeline are the whooping crane and the swift fox. The whooping crane could potentially fly into power lines that would be built for the purpose of keeping the oil in the pipeline flowing. The pipeline would also continue to go right through where many foxes, known as swift foxes, live. These animals would struggle to survive if this were to happen, due to their habitats being destroyed.

Environmentalists also agree that greenhouse gasses would be released into the atmosphere faster if a pipeline was built because oil would be extracted more quickly than usual. Having such easy access to oil would further make it less likely that renewable energies or cleaner fuel options would be explored.

Although denying this permit is not guaranteed to stop the pipeline from being built, it is a step in the right direction. If we keep fighting, this horrible project may eventually be destroyed. Sign below and thank Rhea Suh and all members of the Natural Resources Defense Council who work to stop this pipeline from being built.


Dear President Suh,

You have been doing everything in your power to try and make sure the building of the Keystone XL pipeline stops. Because of your actions, animals and the environment are better off, and many people will not be currently forced to drink dirty water.

Since the pipeline would go through multiple animal habitats, many of those animals would have difficulty surviving. Endangered birds, such as the whooping crane, would be vulnerable to flying into the power lines that would be built to ensure the pipeline continued to flow. Greenhouse gases would further likely be released more quickly into the atmosphere if this pipeline were to be completed since oil would be extracted at a faster rate.

For the above reasons, we would like to thank you for doing what you can to stop this pipeline from continuing to be built. You have helped to ensure that both animals and people will be better able to thrive.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: PDTillman

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634 Signatures

  • jacci russ
  • Janice Bernard
  • Janice Bernard
  • Erin Borozny
  • Michelle Blackley
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Vincent L
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
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