Target: Bernadette Jordan, Canada’s Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard
Goal: Praise the permanent closure of fishing areas that house the endangered North Atlantic right whale.
The North Atlantic right whale has been granted greater protection through the closure of fishing areas where large numbers of the species gather. This comes after eight right whales were killed in Canada’s waters, many due to entanglements in fishing gear. This prompted a call to action by those in this ForceChange petition. Praise this important conservation advancement.
“Fish harvesters must remove their fixed gear from the area for a 15-day period. If a whale is detected in that area again during that 15-day period, grids within it will be closed to fishing until November 15th.” This statement, given by Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans, expands on previous protections that would have allowed those fishing areas to reopen after 15 days, regardless of the presence of right whales. This subjected the whales to nets and other fishing gear that caused them harm and sometimes even death. An approximate 2,000 square kilometer area will be closed off surrounding the whales, giving them space to move around without fear of entanglement. Fish harvesters who fail to comply with this restriction will face a penalty of up to $25,000.
This development is a conservation win and proof that the Canadian government truly does care about this endangered species. Sign below to praise their efforts to protect the North Atlantic right whale.
Dear Minister Jordan,
Your recent decision to permanently close off fishing areas where North Atlantic right whales have been sighted is a major step in the process of saving this endangered species. Eight whales died during fishing season last year, some due to entanglement in fishing gear, and this recent restriction will open up 2,000 square kilometers of gear-free water around their gathering point.
Your decision will give the right whales the safe space they need to thrive and grow as a species and it will not be forgotten. Thank you for taking this important stand for conservation.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Department of Fisheries and Oceans