Target: Ted Deutch, U.S. Congressmen
Goal: Support the imminent criminalization of animal cruelty nationwide.
For too long, punishments for animal cruelty have been a patchwork of state penalties with varying degrees of severity. As animals suffered needlessly and died, their abusers often skated with little or no consequence. This ForceChange petition helped lead the charge in demanding stronger nationwide action against animal cruelty. In a rare moment of bipartisanship, America’s leaders listened and acted.
The U.S. Senate followed the lead of the House of Representatives in unanimously approving the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act. With the president’s expected signature, this years-long effort will finally become law. The PACT Act underscores and enhances the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act: an already-passed bill that criminalizes video recordings of animal cruelty. The new law will for the first time make acts of animal cruelty themselves federal crimes subject to much stronger federal penalties. The bill goes far beyond other laws that only cover very limited instances of cruelty. As one co-sponsor put it, the passage of such a precedent-setting act represents “a milestone for pet owners and animal lovers across the country.”
Sign the petition below to thank one of the lawmakers instrumental in making this landmark win for animal welfare possible.
Dear Representative Deutch,
“This bill has received so much bipartisan support because Americans care about animal welfare,” Your words rang true and were a validation of the PACT Act legislation you co-sponsored and championed. Congratulations on achieving this needed, important victory.
When the PACT Act officially becomes law, millions of animals will receive protections they have never previously possessed. Millions more cruel abusers will finally face just punishment for their horrendous crimes. More so, the police officers who have widely endorsed this effort will have another important means of tracking and preventing potential dangers. Most of all, this nation will at last have a template that affirms the right of all living beings to enjoy a life free from pain and suffering.
Thank you, and please keep fighting for animal welfare causes across America.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Daisy Parker
It is way past time that animal abusers face a just punishment across the United States. All animal abusers need to face a criminal charge to the full extent. Hurray!!!
All animals internationally need to have their abusers face the death penalty and nothing less.
And how soon will the PACT Act officially become law?
Thank you to all those that worked so hard to bring these cruelties and inadequate laws previously addressing them, to our lawmakers attention and to all those lawmakers for approving the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act. The world will be a kinder place because of your efforts.
trump hates animals so I am not betting he will sign it. He is totally devoid of compassion, and has no soul.
This is the best news I’ve heard all year! It’s been a long time for people in government to realize that how people treat animals and the way in which animal abuse is handled has a large influence on how that country is viewed by other countries. Being civilized goes beyond just treating your fellow man with compassion but flows over to other creatures too.
Ted Deutch, U.S. Congressmen
Support the imminent criminalization of animal cruelty nationwide.
Our precious and innocent animals and wildlife have suffered by the hands of these lowlife animal torturing and animal murdering monsters far too long. The new law will for the first time make acts of animal cruelty themselves federal crimes subject to much stronger federal penalties. The bill goes far beyond other laws that only cover very limited instances of cruelty. As one co-sponsor put it, the passage of such a precedent-setting act represents “a milestone for pet owners and animal lovers across the country.”
Don’t forget to also impose a really penalty for whomever still commits the crime. It is not what you can’t do, it is what happens after you do it that makes the difference.
Thank you for making an important step forward!
Agree with recommendations by fellow contributors.
Great news for the animals but will they carry through with the punishment? That’s the question!
yes – for all animals