Success: Authorization of Wildlife-Killing Cyanide Bombs Nixed

Target: Brooks Fahy, Executive Director of Predator Defense

Goal: Support the ban of cyanide traps that kill wildlife and recklessly endanger all animals.

Thanks to recent changes, up to 6,500 wildlife per year will be spared a brutal death.With the official weakening of the Endangered Species Act under way, August 2019 looked to be a month of crushing losses for wildlife advocates. Thanks to a sustained public outcry, including signees of this ForceChange petition, wildlife protections just secured one important victory. Deadly cyanide traps used by a branch of the Department of Agriculture had recently received reauthorization for use by the Trump EPA. Now, due to the power of united voices, the EPA has reversed this controversial decision.

EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler made the reversal official: “I am announcing a withdrawal of EPA’s interim registration review decision on sodium cyanide, the compound used in M-44 devices to control wild predators.” The “wild predators” cited include foxes, coyotes, and other natural wildlife targeted by Wildlife Services for extermination simply because these animals dared encroach on the territory of agriculture operators.

The poison-filled devices sicken and kill any living being unfortunate enough to encounter them. In addition to the thousands of wildlife lost each year, these toxic traps have also harmed dogs and even human beings. The EPA was willing to ignore these clear and present dangers in its seemingly obsessive push to strip the environment and all inhabitants of essential protections. Fortunately, humane treatment and conservation prevailed in this case.

Sign the petition below to thank one wildlife organization that played a pivotal role in pushing back against this environmental injustice.


Dear Mr. Fahy,

You described “phones ringing off the hook” in response to the EPA’s destructive support of dangerous cyanide traps. You further noted that the “public outcry” about the organization’s “greenlight to continue using these horrific devices” made leadership at last “pay…attention.” Thank you for your leading role in this fight and your unyielding demand that these so-called leaders indeed pay attention.

The fight is far from over on so many fronts. Yet every victory instills the true champions of environmental protection and wildlife conservation with more determination and greater diligence in the face of mounting obstacles from the highest levels of government.

With dedicated leaders like Predator Defense, we—and the innocent animals fighting for their future—will prevail.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Christopher Bruno


  1. Hurray for saving the life of wildlife in our wilds. No animal should have to die like this just because of where they lived.

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  • Janice Bernard
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