Target: Gavin Newsom, Governor of California
Goal: Praise the firing of top oil and gas regulator who reportedly profited off fracking
The number of fracking permits has skyrocketed over the last year, causing California’s leadership to take a bold stand against the dangerous practice. Ken Harris, the leader of the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources, has been dismissed and the division is now under investigation. Praise this move towards safer and cleaner energy.
Governor Gavin Newsom ordered an investigation of the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources after learning, per a Consumer Watchdog report, that of the 2,365 drilling permits issued between January and June, 45% benefited oil companies in which division officials owned stock. This apparent conflict of interest could explain why California has had such a busy year in fracking, wherein new well permits increased by 35%.
In a state prone to disastrous earthquakes, fracking is a risk at best and an environmental disaster at worst. Petitions, such as this one, have demanded that California stop this dangerous practice in an effort to curb air and water pollution and protect public land. Now that the governor is searching for a new leader, one he specified would share his view that “ultimately California and our global partners will need to transition away from oil and gas extraction,” that may be possible.
Sign below to thank Governor Newsom for his continued efforts to end this dangerous practice.
Dear Governor Newsom,
An email, written by your Chief of Staff Ann O’Leary, expressed your views against fracking and the bold moves you are taking to stop the destruction of California’s land, air, and water. This is highly encouraging, and we support your efforts to end this toxic practice.
Recently, an advocacy group published a report accusing Ken Harris, and others at California’s Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, of profiting off the state’s rise in fracking permits. In response, you fired Harris, an apparent key supporter of California’s fracking industry, and launched an investigation of the division. This is a step in the right direction and your efforts to employ a new division leader who shares your views on fracking could save this great state.
Thank you for taking a stand against this practice and moving towards safer and cleaner forms of energy.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Kevin_Snyman