Target: Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
Goal: Praise Russia for its decision to ban the killing of stray dogs and its implementation of animal shelters.
Stray dogs will no longer be tortured and killed in Russia, thanks to a bold new law. Signed into place by President Putin, this law prohibits the slaughter of all stray animals and demands the utilization of humane animal shelters. Thank President Putin for his dedication to animal welfare.
Stray dogs have often been the target of cruel attacks and inhumane torture in Russia. Shot and poisoned, sometimes as the object of a cruel game, the animals struggle to survive and often become aggressive towards humans. Thanks to this ForceChange petition, and a new law, that is about to change. Guided by the principles of humanity, as described by the Russian government, this law bans animal fights, pet cafes and petting zoos. Wild animals will no longer be allowed in restaurants and bars, as well as private residences. Those capturing the animals must take humane action, record it on video for public access, and deposit the animals in a shelter.
While this law emphesizes stricter qualifications for pet ownership, it will finally afford protections to the stray animals. Sign below to thank President Putin for his decision to end animal cruelty.
Dear President Putin,
Stray dogs will no longer suffer cruel and inhumane deaths, thanks to your approval of a new law. This law will punish animal cruelty offenders and provide a safe place for the animals to be housed. I want to thank you for your dedication to animal welfare.
Stray animals were once poisoned, shot, and slaughtered on the streets of Russia- sometimes as part of a twisted game. This caused those animals to become fearful and sometimes aggressive towards humans. Your implementation of humane capture laws and animal shelters is the first step in ending animal cruelty and reducing the number of strays.
No animal should ever suffer a malicoius death on the streets, and this law will end that cruelty. Thank you for taking a stand for these innocent animals.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: quinntheislander
Good. Nice to know that something nice is going on in Russia.
A huge step forward! Hopefully a lot of other countries will follow in Russia’s footsteps.
I am from Russia. It’s not true. Putin didn’t sign any law.
Sneaky thief Putin raised taxes for his gang, that’s true. No one was going to protect the animals.
Signed @ 648. Please sign.