Target: Phil Murphy, Governor of New Jersey
Goal: Thank the government for protecting wild and exotic animals from the tortures and exploitation of carnivals and circuses.
Exotic and wild animals are now banned from being used in carnivals and circuses in the state of New Jersey. Nosey’s Law, named after an African elephant whose abuse helped motivate the legislation, was signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy. The first version of the bill was vetoed by the previous governor, Chris Christie, as described in an earlier ForceChange petition. Thanks to the overwhelming support from activists and online petitioners, New Jersey is now leading the way for animal rights.
Nosey’s Law passed with overwhelming majorities in both the state house and senate, although there was resistance from some Republican representatives. Some feared that the law would be too restrictive toward local zoos. After a lengthy deliberation, the law was amended to specifically regulate touring acts, carnivals and circuses, where abuse is more likely. While exotic animals like Nosey the elephant will no longer have to suffer the abuses of carnival life, locals can still see exotic and wild animals in approved zoos.
Please sign this petition to support New Jersey’s historic step forward for animal rights.
Dear Governor Murphy,
Thanks to your efforts, exotic and wild animals are no longer allowed to work in circuses and carnivals in your state. This is a historic moment for animal rights. Touring acts often put exotic and wild animals in dangerous situations and frequently lack the facilities and resources to care for them. Nosey, the African elephant the law is named for, was abused for years as a carnival act and forced to work while suffering from advanced arthritis. Now that this law has been passed, no exotic animals will be allowed to needlessly suffer in New Jersey.
After the previous governor, Chris Christie, vetoed the bill, it was unclear if wild and exotic animals would ever get the protections they needed. Even with your support there was resistance in the state legislature, but ultimately Nosey’s law passed with overwhelming majorities in both the state house and senate. The New Jersey Herald quotes you as saying that you wanted to “ensure that New Jersey will not allow wild and exotic animals to be exploited and cruelly treated within our state.” Please continue to support the rights of animals, wild and otherwise, in your state and help New Jersey to lead the way for animal rights legislation.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Save Nosey Now Organization
Thank You Governor Murphy for being concerned with the wellbeing of Circus Animals.
Mahatma Gandhi one said “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” I believe that quote is pertinent to U.S. States like New Jersey as well and you have just helped make New Jersey an even greater state.
Thank you very much.Certain kind deeds are which cannot be put into words but your decision has become the voice of these innocent animals who are abused all through out in their lives.