Success: Ireland Set to Become First Country to Divest From Fossil Fuels

Target: Donegal Deputy Thomas Pringle, sponsor of the Fossil Fuel Divestment Bill

Goal: Support Ireland’s divestment from fossil fuel investments.

All environmental eyes were on Ireland as the country’s leadership considered a full divestment from fossil fuels: a landmark first in the world. Now, thanks to the passionate advocacy found in this ForceChange petition and similar united efforts, Ireland will very likely validate this monumental law by year’s end. The Fossil Fuel Divestment Bill passed its final major hurdle when the upper parliamentary chamber Seanad followed in the footsteps of the lower chamber and passed this important environmental effort. With the expected signature of supporter President Michael D. Higgins, the bill will become law and set a crucial precedent.

Once the law takes effect, the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund will begin divesting over 350 million dollars of holdings in gas, oil, coal, and other fossil fuel stakes. This move away from harmful environmental pollutants will allow more significant investment in clean renewable energy sources. Ireland’s president has affirmed a commitment to this cause, stating “it’s morally imperative that we urgently respond to climate change as it’s those most vulnerable who cannot afford to wait for us to act accordingly.”

This soon-to-be law represents a sincere, progressive effort at reform from a country that has often fallen to dead last among European Union nations in the Climate Change Performance Index. The recognition by leadership of its failings, and the subsequent desire to improve, marks a refreshing change from usual politics where the planet’s health is often viewed as collateral damage. Now, a country has stepped forward to meet its Paris Climate Accord promise and to serve as an example to other nations interested in saving our planet.

Sign this petition to thank Irish leadership for listening and for leading the way to a more eco-friendly future.


Dear Deputy Pringle,

“While we are a small nation, we have a huge impact on the most vulnerable citizens in the world.” The impactful words of President Higgins echo the sentiments of all environmental advocates who believe in the power of the Fossil Fuel Divestment Bill to show the world a better way. Congratulations and thank you on the imminent passage of this milestone effort.

Ireland will benefit from a cleaner, more sustainable future empowered by the environment that shields and sustains civilizations worldwide. A new focus on clean energy will open new economic avenues and bolster the long-term wellness of countless communities. Most of all, as one advocate aptly summed, through this measure Ireland can“stand as an example to the world” in the fight against climate change.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Gerry Machen


  1. GEN AGUSTSSON says:


  2. THANK YOU Ireland and Donegal Deputy Thomas Pringle for the sponsor of the Fossil Fuel Divestment Bill.

    Regarding this, Ireland is a role model that all countries should follows.

  3. Well done! Thank you. I hope that your forward thinking will influence other countries to follow!

    Hats Off to Ireland! Hats Off to Donegal Deputy Thomas Pringle!

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  • Erin Borozny
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  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
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