Target: Jenny Durkan, Mayor of Seattle
Goal: Congratulate Mayor Durkan and the city of Seattle for leading the fight to pardon formerly incarcerated cannabis convicts.
Dozens of men and women who faced lives scarred by unjust convictions have now been pardoned. Seattle judge Pete Holmes has made a landmark decision to overturn any cannabis convictions made in Seattle between 1996 and 2010, part of a sweeping reform within the city’s legal system. The judge cited that the cannabis arrests disproportionately affected people of color and low income residents, stating that it is time to move forward and bring those burdened by the past with us. Judge Holmes hopes to correct the injustices caused by the drug war’s intense and violent history.
Many Americans, mostly people of color, are still sitting in jail for their past cannabis convictions. Watching the rest of the country legalize cannabis must be a difficult feeling to process when you may never have a normal life again for smoking a joint while black. Setting precedents like these, where people have the chance to begin again and are given a second chance at success, is incredibly important and needs to be adopted by every other legal town, city, or state. Sign the petition below to congratulate the mayor of Seattle on her success in building a culture of second chances.
Dear Mayor Durkan,
Thanks to Judge Pete Holmes and your amazing leadership, hundreds of Seattle citizens have the chance to clear their names and begin their lives again. Cannabis convictions have ruined the lives of millions of Americans and the time for reform is long overdue.
Having a city where judges like yours are able to make rulings that positively affect our communities are needed now more than ever. With leadership like yours and rulings like that of Judge Holmes, we have a fighting chance of restoring order in American life. Thank you for your positive leadership and congratulations on your efforts.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Ashton
free them all!