Target: Annastascia Palaszczuk, Premier of Queensland, Australia
Goal: Demand immediate intervention in an indigenous community where thousands of dogs are reportedly being neglected and beaten.
Volunteers working within the indigenous community of Yarrabah in Queensland, Australia report that rampant abuse and neglect of the community’s dogs is ongoing and has been taking place for years. They allege that dogs are frequently beaten by members of the community or denied veterinary care. Demand justice and immediate intervention for these innocent dogs.
The volunteers, including 59-year-old Lyn Dadd, have reportedly taken thousands of dogs to area vets over the past several years with a host of troubling conditions, ranging from severe malnourishment to hacked-off paws. Allegedly, some of the dogs have had to be euthanized due to the extent of their injuries or neglect. Dadd claims that many of the dogs have endured these horrific conditions for months without any assistance from their human caretakers.
More support is needed for these volunteers and animal management workers to ensure that this alleged rampant abuse is put to an end. If these reports are found to be true, those responsible for beating or starving these animals must face appropriate punishment and these animals must be removed at once. Sign below and demand justice and an end to suffering for these dogs.
Dear Premier Palaszczuk,
Dogs and puppies living in the indigenous community of Yarrabah are reportedly living in horrific conditions and subject to rampant neglect and abuse. Per accounts from council volunteers, dogs have been found beaten, missing paws, scalded with burns and near death from starvation. We demand justice for these innocent animals.
Thousands of dogs have reportedly been taken from the community over the past several years alone, with multiple instances of abuse believed to be occurring each week within the community. Allegedly, many of these dogs are allowed to roam on the outskirts of the town without any veterinary care, including routine spaying or neutering that would control their population, which has exploded as a result. If the volunteers’ accounts are true, this situation is unacceptable and must be brought to an end. We demand that the Queensland government intervene immediately and make sure that these dogs are removed at once and that those responsible for their mistreatment receive appropriate punishment under law.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Lyn Dadd
Shame on you Australia to allow this mass abuse to happen. Put it right now! Your animal rights laws stink and the people responsible for this outrageshould be euthanised themselves.
Yes!! Send those people to Hell!!!
Indigenous my ass. More like savages. The only thing they’ll understand is if the same is done to their nasty asses.
Is there a breed of man, civilized (whatever that means) or not, that has any empathy for other creatures? Apparently Australian “abos” are just as despicable as everyone else — and yes, I mean to offend and disparage them by calling them abos.
Australia again. if this one s happening to this degree, there are no laws of protection. Disgusting.
Shame on all so called humans,this happens throughout the world,people are regressing ,delighting in animal abuse as they have nothing in their sorry lives and resort to savagery of innocent creatures,one day they will turn on their own species becausehumans are worthless barbarians.
this country is getting more sickening in their animal cruelty by the day I thought it was supposed to be civilized there but I guess not they’re as bad as the asian countries anyone that goes to visit these countries are as bad as they are I hope the ocean does swallow them up
Australia step in and Take these animals, never allow any animals there. Ban them from their reserves/community. I thought their culture worshipped animals? Where are the elders to enforce the care???
Indigenous barbaric savages. Do something about them Australia. If they can’t behave like decent human beings them lock the shitheads up and throw away the keys. Beat them and starve them so they know how that feels the bloody arsewipes
This happens all over the world on these indigenous reserves. It’s bad enough that they don’t look after themselves that they have dogs, horses and any other kind of animals on their reserves that can’t be cared for. The abuse and starving of them has to stop and all animals need to be removed from these reserves immediately.
Australia who considered themselves similar to america and europe,yet did act as part of asia which well known as barbaric and evil monsters for torturing animals in any most sadistic ways!
Shame on you,fake people..you had nothing in honor to let this happened! Shame on you
Who does this SHIT??? Only vile effing humans!
aborigines, the niggers of Australia
aborigines, the subhuman garbage of Australia
Theres good and bad in ALL races, Religions and Nationalities,…. find me a country where abuse , exploitation, injustice and Cruelty doesn’t take place,…. if these crimes have taken place those who committed them need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,….. but don’t use this atrocity to justify your racism and Hate, Aborigines are not “subhuman garbage, they are not the “Niggers of Australia”, they are not “Fake people”, they’re just people, wake up and understand that we’re ALL capable of the most atrocious acts of Barbarity and Greed, we’re ALL Bastards, the only question is how big a Bastard we are!!.
Yes, but they do “get let off the hook” with many things in the name of tradition, culture and being Aboriginal, but animal cruelty should never, ever be one of them. This slowness to act on behalf of the innocent animals in this country, is becoming a damning, international reputation for Australia and people are going to lash out because of the lack of justice.
Indigenous are black savages. Just like Africans. Brutally torture animals to death. Google how the Africans are shockingly killing innocent sweet donkeys for evil Chinese and their insane beliefs. It is so disgusting !
End this atrocity to Australian dogs, now!
Evil, Unconsciable and Savage Are the words that come to mind when I read this sickening article. WTF is the matter with the Government and the people of Australia for electing such uncaring people when it comes to animal welfare. Malcolm TURNBALLS is a disgusting POS from what I have read. Australia has become a Third World Country as far as Animal Welfare is concerned. Clean Up Your Act ASAP! New Zealand is another disgusting Country but we won’t get into that right now.
Not acceptable, Australia.
Australia should be ashamed of there animal welfare , there like a third world country . Would never want to visit there
What is wrong with this area of Australia and why have they “the people” allowed this to happen to these poor, innocent dogs??? I want answers because there is no reason on this green earth these poor dogs have to suffer at the hands of humans to be starved and beaten on a daily basis. I don’t get it, this is a land where tourists constantly go and Australia produces a nice tourism income so why is it in this particular area these dogs are treated so badly? What is this place and why aren’t the people there more compassionate and caring toward these dogs? I say sight these assholes for neglect, abuse, torture, and cruelty. They deserve time in prison and to pay a fine. If this is a place for abandoned dogs, or a pound of some sort…we don’t know. It’s not explained on this petition. REGARDLESS these dogs DESERVE BETTER and DON’T DESERVE TO BE BEATEN AND STARVED period. Mercy for those innocent souls who have done nothing wrong but to be born in a place that is just ignorant and nasty. Humans are the worst in how they treat each other, how can we expect them to be better to dogs. This needs to change as the world seems to get worse in humanity.