Success: Kiwis Taken Off Endangered Species List

Target: Lou Sanson, Director-General of the New Zealand Department of Conservation

Goal: Congratulate the New Zealand Department of Conservation for its dedication to protecting kiwis.

Two species of kiwis have recently been upgraded from endangered to vulnerable. The Okarito and Northern Brown kiwi have made wonderful recoveries in the past decade. This recovery has been due to coordinated efforts between the Department of Conservation, many environmental groups, and petitions like this one at ForceChange. Kiwi recovery has been partly due to programs like Battle for our Birds, which aims to eliminate invasive predators like rats and stoats from over 800,000 hectares of land to protect native bird populations.

The Department of Conservation has established an important partnership with the charity Kiwis for Kiwi. Since 2012, the organization Kiwis for Kiwi has been working tirelessly to improve kiwi habitats and control invasive predator species that prey on these vulnerable flightless birds. They are also implementing programs to help people train their dogs not to attack kiwis. So far, this organization has raised over 7 million dollars for kiwi protection. Over the next 10 years, Kiwis for Kiwi aims to increase kiwi populations by two percent per year.

Sign this petition to praise the New Zealand Department of Conservation for its efforts to protect kiwis and their success in removing two kiwi species from the endangered species list.


Dear Mr. Sanson,

I am writing to applaud you for your work in kiwi conservation during your tenure as Director-General of the New Zealand Department of Conservation. These efforts have come to fruition as two species of kiwi have been removed from the endangered species list. In a time that some conservationists are calling the sixth mass extinction, your dedication to saving endangered species is truly inspiring.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: David Craig


  1. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Signed & shared

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