Target: Janine Smith, Chief Crown Prosecutor for Northamptonshire, England
Goal: Demand that the person who stole, mutilated, and killed a family cat receive the maximum penalty under law.
A cat was mutilated and killed in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The cat was dismembered and the head, limbs, and ears were sent back to the owner in a bag. Demand justice for this poor cat.
“Rusty was a beloved pet and the family is understandably devastated,” stated PC Andrew Glover of the Northamptonshire Police Department. Rusty, a 1-year-old ginger cat, was taken from the area and the cat’s head, limbs, and ears were returned in a bag. Rusty’s mutilated body was left on the doorstep of the owner’s family home and discovered by the owner’s 14-year-old daughter. Rusty’s death comes just days after the owner’s other cat was found dead and burned. Police have not confirmed if these incidents are related.
The Northamptonshire police are investigating and they have asked for any witnesses to come forward. They do not yet have any suspects. Sign below and demand that the person responsible be charged and assigned the maximum penalty under law.
Dear Chief Prosecutor Smith,
A beloved cat was brutally killed in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The cat’s head, ears, and limbs were removed and sent to the owner in a bag. We demand justice for this innocent cat.
The owner’s 14-year-old daughter found Rusty’s mutilated body on her doorstep not long after the cat disappeared. The 1-year-old ginger cat’s head, ears, and limbs were missing and later returned to the owner in a bag. Rusty died just days after the owner’s other cat was found burned and dead. Police have not confirmed any relation between the incidents.
This horrific cruelty must be punished. We demand that you charge the person responsible and seek the maximum penalty under law.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Northamptonshire Police
I will not be signing this petition. How many times does it take before people realize you do not leave your pet unattended outdoors in today’s violent climate that we have worldwide. I refuse to be apart of the continuing idiocy that goes on. You yourself can read where it says at the very end, this comes just days after the families other pet was found burned and dead!!!!
Your having a problem with the owner’s decision is one thing but if you felt for the cat, you could have signed just the same.
I agree with you, Lisa!
Lisa you said that right. They can not be an animal lover. As for me punis them to the full extent of the law better off……DEATHE
I agree as well, Lisa. It’s fine to choose to sign or not, but please don’t add to this poor family’s distress.
This psycho needs to be caught asap, but I’m getting real sick of people leaving their pets outside as well. This pisses me off every time I read about things like this – it’s avoidable. Keep them inside, or don’t have them it’s not that hard.
What about the stray cats jerk? They deserve justice as well. There is obviously a total degenerate out there killing cats with no soul. These sub-humans need to be stopped. Your comment is unacceptable.
SJ I’m with you. There are animals not so privileged to have a home-should it be acceptable to have them mutilated as well? There are things that are natural, like kids playing outside or animals roaming in their natural environment-then there are psych fucks that do things like this and we’re all supposed to hide inside. It’s a risk we take, leaving the safety of our homes, but does that mean we deserve mutilated pets and children? A society should not have to hide in fear-these psychopaths need to be destroyed
You are an idiot
I agree with Lisa, and the point SJ made is critical about stray and homeless cats as well. I also fully agree with Maggie, you ARE an idiot. You don’t belong on this site. It’s about protecting defenseless animals. We can never stop owners letting their cats out. For you to refuse to sign AND to proudly post about not signing the petition is insane.
I agree that cats should not be out unrestrained BUT there is a psychopath out there who won’t stop here if they are not found.
I am sickened by so called humans,there are so many evil perverted ,violent people in this world,I would happily live among my little dogs ,than with people.So sorry for this innocent cat ,and all the other creature who have suffered at the hands of people.
I hope the monster is caught and locked up. Sick SOB !
Are they sure its not someone in the family?
If this is happening in England, a country of animal lovers, what’s left for other countries who don’t respect animals so much. Whoever did this should be caught, shamed in public, fined, put into prison and the key should be thrown away. Scum like this are a waste of space and air. While I’m at it, I hope he/she burns in hell.
I am signing this Petition for justice for this gorgeous cat and his friend – no animal should be put through such horrendous cruelty. Please catch this murderer before he kills again!
We do not live in a civil society anywhere. If that were true, we would never worry about the treatment of animals that we as humans are to govern, watch over and protect. I am sick to death of the same violence over and over to these creatures.
I just do not know when if ever, law enforcement anyplace will take this serious enough to seek out and punish all responsible for these crimes. We need to be tougher as advocates for thsed innocent animals.
For the ones who did this, I will go on praying and wishing the most horrendous things to happen to you, next, for your evilness walking amoung us all.
If one of my cats had been burned and killed, I certainly would not have let the other cat out. I have a meshed in terrace for my 2 elderly cats, so they have access to fresh air – safely – whenever they want.
Find this sick, depraved monster and put him away for good!!!!! Never let your pets outside to roam. Too many psychos out there.
Jayme Talson and Palpul [and others perhaps], whilst I agree with you about cats not being out at night, there is no evidence in the posted report about the time of day these incidents occurred.
This petition is about the ghastly deaths of two lovely young cats, not about the family’s approach to feline freedom.
You can’t keep cats in all day long but I do keep mine in overnight. We had catnappers in our locality several years ago – and I don’t need telling twice!
Cats from the same family – may or may not be relevant:
1. someone has a grudge against the family; 2. someone has a grudge against the cats of that family; 3. someone has a grudge against cats in general and is working his way around the neighbourhood – I hope everyone in Northants is taking heed and keeping Kitty indoors. 4. someone killed the cats because they have a serious defect in their personality; 5. someone seriously needs catching and locking up – preferably with violent animal-loving criminals. I’ve signed – RIP lovely kitties.
It sounds as if whoever did this has a grudge against the family. Otherwise they would not have returned the cat in such a manner.
I hope they are caught soon and suffer the most extreme penalty.
Unsure if the cases are connected? Somebody knows something and people in the area just need to take action because authorities will do nothing. Expecting people to keep their cats indoors is impractical and unfair, it’s the pure evil that finally needs to be dealt with once and for all.
This or these mother fuker psychopaths must be locals the community must band together some one knows this cunt. Find him and do your neighborhoods beautiful animals a justice. Torture these fukers start with raping their filthy bum holes with sharp huge tree limbs then cut small bits off them example cock, nose, ears let them bleed to death slowly.
These psychos need to be found tortured and put to a slow slow death. No one in the justice system has the balls to do what is right for these innocent animals the punishments need to be harsh and examples set. These sub humans need to be off the face of the earth. What next? Will they do the same to kids?
This person deserves the death penalty, by stoning.
This is a vengeful, spiteful person. Evil is how he deals with life. There is no cure for that…and it will continue, very sadly. Reparations must be made. Find these idiot loser ppl who take their impotence out on innocence, and make them pay. Me, I would leave them penniless on a chain gang. No one is safe outside it seems like…civility of society does NOT exist anymore
This psycho should just be eliminated…shot and be done with. One of the neighbors is not going to stop. Watch all pets AND your children. If pets bother this psycho kids will too.
I would be arrested if I said what I would like to do to the person who killed this and the other cat belonging to a family. But I can guarantee torture, dismemberment and returning his head, ears and limbs to his family in a bag. His body, I would grind up and feed to the Tigers at the zoo. The punishment should fit the crime but I can’t think of any punishment severe enough for this person (or persons) responsible. It is sick and deranged.
Justice for Rusty!!
If that was my cat and I found out who did it…..there worst nightmare would come true real fast. And you can take that to the bank.