Target: Janine Smith, Chief Crown Prosecutor for Northamptonshire, England
Goal: Demand that the person who stole, mutilated, and killed a family cat receive the maximum penalty under law.
A cat was mutilated and killed in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The cat was dismembered and the head, limbs, and ears were sent back to the owner in a bag. Demand justice for this poor cat.
“Rusty was a beloved pet and the family is understandably devastated,” stated PC Andrew Glover of the Northamptonshire Police Department. Rusty, a 1-year-old ginger cat, was taken from the area and the cat’s head, limbs, and ears were returned in a bag. Rusty’s mutilated body was left on the doorstep of the owner’s family home and discovered by the owner’s 14-year-old daughter. Rusty’s death comes just days after the owner’s other cat was found dead and burned. Police have not confirmed if these incidents are related.
The Northamptonshire police are investigating and they have asked for any witnesses to come forward. They do not yet have any suspects. Sign below and demand that the person responsible be charged and assigned the maximum penalty under law.
Dear Chief Prosecutor Smith,
A beloved cat was brutally killed in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The cat’s head, ears, and limbs were removed and sent to the owner in a bag. We demand justice for this innocent cat.
The owner’s 14-year-old daughter found Rusty’s mutilated body on her doorstep not long after the cat disappeared. The 1-year-old ginger cat’s head, ears, and limbs were missing and later returned to the owner in a bag. Rusty died just days after the owner’s other cat was found burned and dead. Police have not confirmed any relation between the incidents.
This horrific cruelty must be punished. We demand that you charge the person responsible and seek the maximum penalty under law.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Northamptonshire Police
“If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.” Albert Einstein
“Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character; and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.” Authur Schopenhauer
All animal cruelty and abuse must not be tolerated! No excuses! Maximum penalty! No exceptions! These people are truly very sick and demented! They do not belong in society! They will not stop!
Donna..u r so right n people who kill animals abuse humans n kill also….we need stricter laws…major jail time and penalties…
Exactly… That was a really stupid statement they said about not knowing if the two are connected, stupid over there
This is beyond cruel! This little 1 year old kitty deserves justice and the family that raised him and loved him! This horrible monster who did this took their baby from them and brutally murdered him, needs to be punished and locked up for good!never let him out to do this ever again!
There is a special place in hell for this cat murderer. Fucking monster.
I hate cat haters. I also hate it when people allow their cats to run loose. they are susceptible to so many injuries!
Come on et real they are related – I am ashamed to say I’m British What kind of lowlife shit does this You MUST find and prosecute for murder not just extreme animal cruelty because you can’t get any more extreme! When you find this shit, before he strikes again, I’ll volunteer to happily cut of his feet, then his hands, then his penis and I’ll finish with his head and I’ll leave his bits and pieces for a family member to find!
I’m with you all the way. I cannot tolerate this sort of behaviour from a scumbag, so called human.
Everybody, please keep your cats in at night!!!
This psychopathic animal torturing scum bag deranged monster is definitely not human IT is a monster. And must be caught,burnt and mutilated the same as Ginger and his mate.
No l would hope that this perpetrators torture session could last for a very very intensely painful time.
What come round goes around, and sooner or later bad karma catches up with you. Hopefully, the POS AND SOB, will pay for all the evil he has committed on this earth. Hell is the only place waiting for this monster!
Oh dear god, this is just heartbreaking. Why would any sick person do this. You deserve whatever is coming to you for the heinous act of pure animal cruelty.
This could be the work of the M25 cat killer who has mutilated and killed several cats, foxes and rabbits. He started in Croydon Surrey but soon spread his evil wings to different parts of England.
The police have a sort of description of him but it’s unknown if he works alone , with someone else, or if there are copy-cat killers too.
But just give me 5 minutes with him………..
They’ve confirmed that it was him, so this isn’t a one-off incident. It’s the same killer that has struck hundreds of times since 2014.
This kind of inhumanity cannot be tolerated. The only justifiable penalty for this bastard (and if the law doesn’t agree ~ the law be damned) would be a bullet in the head – – –
This POS when caught deserves the same fate, torure, death & dismemberment..
Got to catch this sicko out there?. It could happen to others not necessarily pets?????. You know what I mean???
I dare these bastard animal murderers to make face to face contact with me as I will then perform the required death penalty!
This sick callous and brutal monster MUST BE CAUGHT! Somebody must have an idea of the identity of this despicable excuse for a human being. A full investigation must be the No. 1 priority of our police force before another heinous crime is committed by this evil low life. My heart goes out to the family who have not suffered once, but twice, and for their daughter to witness poor Rusty’s mutilated little body – unimaginable horror! Sadly, here in Surrey an individual officer in the force is trying to apprehend another scumbag who is carrying out such horrors to cats within the county, but this sick wicked individual is still on the loose. These perpetrators MUST be caught and strung up! There is no place on this earth for these despicable b…….. to breath.
I hope the citizens of Surrey can get together and find this POS killer. Maybe to help out the cop with more people hunting for subhuman responsible for the atrocities committed. The law doesn’t seem to be able to stop animal abuse anywhere. If we compassionate folks band together and look out for animal abusers, make citizen arrests, we could stop some of this crap. Whether individuals or at farms. I just can’t understand the mindset of some “humans.”.
It is long past time that the authorities in this country took animal cruelty seriously instead of either dismissing it or handing out a slap on the wrist. Someone who will do something like this is not fit to be roaming the streets. If those who are supposed to deal with crime and criminals are not capable of dealing with filth like this, then rough justice must be the only answer.
Police really need to do more to catch this sick bastard as whoever is responsible for this dispicable act is a danger to society.
God bless these two wee darlings and their poor family,if it was my cat i would make sure they were ” dealt” with.
If anyone knows who done this please do not protect them,they will not stop at this.
Find the evil sick twisted gutless spineless worthless heartless scum piece of shit how did this and punish it severely.
Sounds like a case of revenge, the owners should think of someone who has a grudge against them. Also, consider protecting your pets by not letting them roam free. All our family cats who roamed free died early, the oldest of them was about 7 when he disappeared. While all our indoors cats live for decades, only one died so far and she was 20 years old. There are many dangers outside apart from murderous lunatics. I’m sorry, but you are at fault for letting your cat die too. Especially when the murder of your other cat just shortly before this should have alarmed you.
I agree with you. I have six precious cats and they are not allowed to roam. They are indoor cats and I have a large cat enclosure. This definitely protects them and are not vulnerable for these psychopathic deranged animal torturing monsters to delight in torturing and abusing such innocent and defenceless sentient beings.
There are so many deranged animal torturing psychos out there. The owners should protect there precious animals by not letting them roam.
RIP Rusty and your Mate. My sympathy to there beloved family.
Sick lowlife! Someone needs to stay up n out n catch this Scum trash!! Then since the police won’t do anything I’d take him out for a little walk in the woods dragging him all tied up m Beat the living fuck out of this guy!! Where’s the Cops?? I hope he’s caught I’m so sorry for ur loss! I hate fuckin ppl! Animals trump people!!! Please keep your animals inside people!!! We don’t live in a safe world ?