Target: Roy Cooper, Governor of North Carolina
Goal: Applaud that a bill that would allow motorists to run over protestors without being punished has lost steam and is set to fail.
A bill was approved by the House of Representatives in North Carolina that would provide both civil and criminal immunity to motorists who “unintentionally” hit protestors and were practicing “due care” navigating the streets when they “accidentally” hit people. Thanks to petitions like ForceChange’s “Don’t Allow Motorists to Run Over Protesters Without Consequences” and the recent tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia, the bill isn’t set to pass. Applaud that this disgusting bill legalizing murder won’t become law.
House Bill 330 was introduced along with similar bills in other states after a rise in protests related to the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline and police brutality. These bills would allow motorists on highways and streets to legally run over protestors if they could claim it was an accident. Threats of running over protestors run rampant, especially on social media.
These bills, which would essentially protect murderers, received backlash at a time when more Americans are becoming politically involved and demonstrating their right to protest. The bills received even more backlash after the recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where an alleged neo-Nazi drove his car into a crowd of counter protestors of a white supremacist rally, killing one woman and injuring others.
The most sickening part is that the creators of the bill doubled down on their defense of it even after the Charlottesville events. Luckily, the bill hasn’t even been considered by the Senate and would reportedly be vetoed by North Carolina governor Ray Cooper. Sign this petition to applaud that this horrific bill will not become law and protestors will continue to be protected.
Dear Governor Cooper,
It was recently reported that you would veto House Bill 330 if it came to your desk. Thankfully, the bill has not even been considered by the Senate, so it may never even reach your desk. However, legislators in your government introducing this bill, which essentially justifies the murder of protestors, and then defending it after a fatal domestic terrorist attack is completely unjust and frankly, horrific.
We must continue to fight for justice and allow the people of this country to have a voice. Thank you for deciding to veto this bill, and I hope you fight against wrongdoings like this in the future.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Linh Do
congrats. no more cars!
Great to know that murder by car won’t be legal there. Really, the insane (psychopathic?) legislators pushing these laws should all be fired.
What stupidity…stay out of the roads then there’s no problem…isn’t that so simple??
I don’t think they should be allowed to block traffic. If you’re not in the road, there wouldn’t be this issue. Shouldn’t be allowed to disrespect other people’s lives.
The stupidity of protesters blocking traffic drastically pales in comparison to the stupidity of the law proposing that it be legal to run them over.
That anyone should have even considered such an outrageous, insane and savage law in America is shocking.