Restore Chelsea Wetlands in Hercules, California

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Target: California Natural Resources Agency

Goal: Reinstate the environmental grant given to the city of Hercules, California that would help restore and preserve the Chelsea Wetlands.

Recently, the California Natural Resources Agency has terminated a grant given to the city of Hercules. The grant was for $1.8 million to help restore and preserve the Chelsea Wetlands. The grant has been terminated because of uncertainty with the city’s fiscal responsibility.

The Chelsea Wetlands are 12 acres of degraded seasonal wetlands. The grant money would have been used to restore the land to functioning tidal wetlands. The restoration would have provided habitats for many wetland species as well as prevent pollution in the area.

The decision to terminate the grant was based on an audit of the city’s 2009-2010 fiscal year. However, the citizens of Hercules have elected an entirely new city council since then, and trust that the new officials are more responsible. Additionally, the city’s staff is ‘thinly stretched’ in order to comply with the state. California has trusted Hercules with three other project grants, and the city is working to prove itself fiscally responsible. The Chelsea Wetlands should not be punished because of mistakes the city’s former council has made.


Dear California Natural Resources Agency:

You awarded an environmental grant to the city of Hercules for restoring the Chelsea Wetlands, but recently you terminated this grant. Restoring the wetlands would provide habitats to many species as well as prevent pollution in the area.

I ask you to reinstate this grant. The city of Hercules is working to prove itself to be fiscally responsible. The city council that had been responsible for the previous financial failures has been replaced. Additionally, the city has been trusted with three other grants to improve areas of Hercules. The grant for the Chelsea Wetlands should also be given, so that the environment can be restored.


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One Comment

  1. Gen Lovyet Agustsson says:

    no pollution please!

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155 Signatures

  • Celana Bingham
  • jacci russ
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Michelle Blackley
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Vincent L
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Donna Jones
  • Siân Street
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