Target: Michael Wiebe, Chair of Vancouver Park Board
Goal: Praise Vancouver Park Board for banning cetacean captivity.
Last November, two beluga whales passed away at the Vancouver Aquarium only nine days apart. Qila, a 21-year-old whale, passed away and then her mother, Aurora, died shortly after at 29 years old. Animal rights activists and the public, including members of the ForceChange community, started raising concerns after these two sudden deaths. Thankfully, the Vancouver Park Board voted to ban cetacean captivity at the Vancouver Aquarium.
Cetaceans are marine mammals that include whales, dolphins and porpoises. These are incredibly social and intelligent animals, and captivity is extremely detrimental to their physical and mental well-being. Captivity often leads to shortened lifespans and increased stress levels.
Sign this petition and thank the Vancouver Park Board for making the compassionate choice and preventing future harm to our earth’s precious wildlife.
Dear Mr. Wiebe,
Recently, the Vancouver Park Board voted to ban cetacean captivity at the Vancouver Aquarium. This is great news since captivity leads to many physical and mental problems in these animals.
Cetaceans are marine mammals, including whales, dolphins and porpoises. These incredibly intelligent and social animals thrive in the open ocean. Captivity often leads to shorten life spans and increased stress levels in these animals.
Thankfully, your board decided to ban cetacean captivity at the Vancouver Aquarium. Thank you for making the compassionate choice and sparing future animals from a life trapped in captivity.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Alexander Vasenin
Thank you for this decision.
I live in the Vancouver area. I can hardly believe I used to take my children to this aquarium. Now, of course,like so many others, I have come to a knowledge of the abuses and outright horrors that occur in aquariums, and am completely against holding animals captive in aquariums, zoos, circuses and anywhere else.
I hope that many other aquariums follow suit and stop keeping whales, dolphins and porpoises – and that they consider phasing out aquariums entirely. Animals belong free and in the wild.
THANK-YOU! You’re a sterling example of what should be done! I will refer to you every time I speak of the cruelty, I Thank-you again and keep up your humane ways! Sincerely, Heather.
Thank you for clear-thinking rationality AND your compassion — your wise decision benefits all of humanity AND our planet.
Signed & shared❗?
Also a huge THANK YOU to Lifeforce Founder Peter Hamilton!