Target: Criminal Department of Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge
Goal: Applaud the 21-count indictment of a former judge on charges of federal fraud and bribery.
Former Judge Joseph Boeckmann was accused by dozens of young men of extorting sexual acts, spankings, and sexually explicit pictures in exchange for lighter sentences, reduced fines, and monetary benefits. Complaints first surfaced about the ex-judge in 2014, yet he only resigned in May of this year. After public outrage and ForceChange petitions like this one, he was finally indicted on October 5.
The claims made against the former judge are quite serious. One of the allegations against Boeckmann came from someone who was only 16 years old at the time when the crime was alleged to have happened. According to the New York Times, over 4,500 explicit pictures of men in compromising positions have been gathered as evidence against the judge. These pictures hint at a long predatory history. Despite the evidence, however, Boeckmenn adamantly denies the charges against him. Prosecutors are accusing him of trying to bribe and threaten witnesses in this case.
While it is clear that this indictment should have taken place long ago, and that he should not have been allowed to occupy his position as a judge for as long as he did, it is good to see that justice is finally being sought after. Too often those in power do not have to face the consequences for their actions. Sign this petition to commend the indictment of this powerful man, and to encourage the justice department to prosecute Boeckmann as enthusiastically as any other defendant.
Dear Attorney General Rutledge,
Thank you for finally indicting Joseph Boeckmann for extorting sexual acts, spankings, and sexually explicit pictures in exchange for lighter sentences, reduced fines, and monetary benefits. This indictment will serve to be a reminder that no man is too powerful to evade justice.
This perversion of justice, if confirmed, should be punished to the full extent of the law. Judges are meant to uphold justice and should be held to a higher standard. Boeckmann should have been removed from office and indicted sooner because of the wealth of evidence against him—there were over 4,500 compromising photos found and dozens of witnesses that accused him. The serious nature of the allegations against him should have been enough to remove him from his duties pending further investigation, especially since one of the victims was a minor at the time when the crime is alleged to have happened.
Ex-judge Boeckmann still claims that he is innocent and prosecutors are accusing him of bribing and threatening witnesses. If guilty, this information should be used to give him a heavier sentence.
Thank you for finally indicting this former judge and making every effort to ensure that these alleged predatory acts do not go unpunished.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: By SalFalko