Target: U.S. District Judge George C. Smith
Goal: Praise restoration of voting rights to innocent Ohio citizens.
Thousands of people in Ohio have regained the ability to vote after the fundamental right was unfairly revoked. A federal judge ruled that recent purges to the state’s eligible list of voters unjustly targeted eligible voters.
The voters in question had been illegally purged from Ohio’s roll of eligible voters by Secretary of State Jon Husted. Husted claimed that his office was attempting to remove deceased voters from the registry, but his efforts resulted in the removal of anyone who had not updated their registration or voted in the past six years.
Efforts to suppress voter turnout have been well-documented. The ForceChange petitions found here and here describe situations in which officials have attempted to deny the right to vote, which is one of the most fundamental rights guaranteed to all American citizens.
Judge George C. Smith of U.S. District Court in Columbus has intervened and ordered Husted to restore voting rights. Though this measure will not immediately grant rights to all those who have been wronged, it does ensure that many of these voters will be able to cast a ballot in the 2016 presidential election.
All citizens, especially those who have committed no crime or wrongdoing, deserve the chance to participate in the election process. Sign the petition below and thank Judge Smith for his efforts to restore these rights.
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your recent efforts to restore voting rights in Ohio. Thousands of voters have lost the right to cast a ballot, despite committing no crimes. Your recent ruling ensures that these innocent citizens will not have their rights infringed upon.
Especially in an election season, the right to vote is one of the most important responsibilities granted to Americans. Every citizen deserves the chance to participate in the election process. Thank you for ensuring that thousands of citizens will not fall victim to unfair suppression efforts.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Yaquina
thank u for restoring the voting rights to americans