Target: Ephrata Police Lt. Chris McKim
Goal: Applaud the Ephrata police for identifying, arresting, and charging the man allegedly responsible for beating his horse to death.
After social media video surfaced of him allegedly beating his overburdened horse to death in the middle of a rural road in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 20-year-old Amish man Marvin M. Sensenig has been arrested and charged with two counts of animal cruelty. The video was shared over 40,000 times and provoked outrage among animal rights activists and ordinary citizens. After much outcry, and petitions such as one that appeared on ForceChange, the Ephrata Police Department has filed charges against Sensenig.
Police described the horse as “overburdened.” It was pulling a wagon that was not only filled with watermelons, but also transporting a pair of grown, adult men. When the tired and overworked horse struggled to carry its wagonload, Sensenig allegedly began to beat the horse until it collapsed, near death.
A witness in her car called police, who arrived on the scene and, with the aid of the local fire department, attempted to save the horse. Over 1,000 gallons of water were used in hopes of cooling down the horse and reviving it. However, their attempts proved unsuccessful and the horse passed away.
There were false reports made shortly after the incident that Sensenig may not face charges because he is Amish and there were claims that the Amish face different rules in regards to treatment of animals. Such a statement was made by the witness to the incident. However, this is not true and Ephrata police confirm that Sensenig will face the court of law on equal footing as any other Pennsylvania resident who fatally abuses an animal.
The investigation was aided by the Lancaster Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and now that charges have been filed, the Lancaster County District Attorney’s Office is reviewing the case. Sign the petition to let Ephrata Police Lt. Chris McKim and the entire Ephrata Police Department know that you appreciate their hard work in identifying and charging the man allegedly responsible for such horrific animal cruelty.
Dear Lt. McKim,
I am writing to applaud the efforts of both you and your police department as you successfully identified, arrested, and charged the man allegedly responsible for the fatal abuse of an overburdened horse. Not only did your department and the local fire department work tirelessly in attempts to revive the abused animal, but you carried out your public duty to the fullest extent in charging the 20-year-old man allegedly responsible for the horrific incident.
In this case, which has reached international attention, your department has shown the world that animals also deserve justice. Thank you for your hard work.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Pavlofox
This mam MUST be heavily fined, jailed a long time & forced to do community work after release from jail. ANY ANIMAL ABUSE MUST BE A FELONY!
I put a cancer curse on this cretin. May he suffer untold cancer agony until it kills him. Amish a load of f…king hypocrites.
Thank you for getting this sick psycho off the streets.
Thank you for arresting and charging this violent criminal!! This young mans violent rage and uncaring actions should be punished to the fullest extent possible! Thx
Well said Daniel!
death to this killer now.
More fucking “religious” scum.
This vile criminal should have the book thrown at him – jail time no less.
That Poor Horse 🙁 I would have got out of my car and tried to force that Idiot away from that poor Soul!!
Amish or Any other Religion, doesn’t, or shouldn’t, give them a get out of Jail ticket!
I hope he’s given a Long Jail Term!! Sadistic Bastard!!
Who cares if he is Amish!!!! He needs to pay for this horrific act of cruelty.
How can people like this exist? These are DEFENCLESS animals that should be LOVED & CARED for. NOT ABUSE, TORTURED or KILLED. PUNISH this WASTE of human flesh to the full extent of the law….
It’s because they’re defenceless that human scum treat them so badly.
This planet would be better off without the human race. Humans have caused nothing but pain and misery since their creation.
I thank the police for charging this sorry excuse for a man! Now, I hope the judge sentences him the very MAXIMUM Penalty the law will allow! He should NEVER, EVER be allowed to have ANY ANIMALS either! Amish, or not!!
We keep hearing stories about the Amish and their animal abuse. They also seem to be running a lot of puppy mills in the midwest. What is it with these people?
Amish and Mennonites run puppy mills all over pennsylvania, Ohio and NY State, as well as in other locations. To them an animal was put here by god for their use and pleasure. Because of this there are many Amish who do not attach any sentiments to the animals, as they are merely tools for the Amish families sustenance. Sad way to live in my opinion. Religious craziness in my opinion.
I’d like to give that P. O. S. a dose of his own medicine❗️?
Thank you so much to law enforcement for making him accountable❗️?
Signed & Shared.
Amish or not,this is just plain route.Not surprised tho they do not treat their animals well.Do not buy Amish furniture or goods.Hit em.in the wallet.Fucking cowardly scum!!!!
These people think because they are armish and untouchable think again properly the worst animals out there
The Amish don’t have respect for animals at all. They breed animals in puppy mills and are notorious for their poor treatment. They consider animals property. Put this ass in jail. He is actual man. The animal who worked itself to DEATH for him is beaten as thanks for its life. Can you just imagine what it’s whole damn life was like? How absolutely sad.
I agree 🙁
This beast Should be shown as much mercy as he showed that poor defenceless horse.Why do these sick scumbags think that treating an animal in such a way is acceptable,it obviously is where he comes from because you read similar stories all the time.Its time to send the message loud and clear that any abuse of defenceless animals will not be tolerated.
The Amish do not treat animals well, they show no mercy, especially to horses. When horses are used up from overwork they send these horses to slaughter for a few dollars.
What about the 2 men who were sitting on the wagon and increasing the load on the horse? Why didn’t they stop the beating? Why weren’t they charged as accessories? I’d like to hitch these Amish abusers to a wagon-load of manure and beat them within an inch of their stupid lives.
Just drop a bomb on the whole Amish community!