Success: Man Accused of Beating Horse Charged With Animal Cruelty

Target: Ephrata Police Lt. Chris McKim

Goal: Applaud the Ephrata police for identifying, arresting, and charging the man allegedly responsible for beating his horse to death.

After social media video surfaced of him allegedly beating his overburdened horse to death in the middle of a rural road in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 20-year-old Amish man Marvin M. Sensenig has been arrested and charged with two counts of animal cruelty. The video was shared over 40,000 times and provoked outrage among animal rights activists and ordinary citizens. After much outcry, and petitions such as one that appeared on ForceChange, the Ephrata Police Department has filed charges against Sensenig.

Police described the horse as “overburdened.” It was pulling a wagon that was not only filled with watermelons, but also transporting a pair of grown, adult men. When the tired and overworked horse struggled to carry its wagonload, Sensenig allegedly began to beat the horse until it collapsed, near death.

A witness in her car called police, who arrived on the scene and, with the aid of the local fire department, attempted to save the horse. Over 1,000 gallons of water were used in hopes of cooling down the horse and reviving it. However, their attempts proved unsuccessful and the horse passed away.

There were false reports made shortly after the incident that Sensenig may not face charges because he is Amish and there were claims that the Amish face different rules in regards to treatment of animals. Such a statement was made by the witness to the incident. However, this is not true and Ephrata police confirm that Sensenig will face the court of law on equal footing as any other Pennsylvania resident who fatally abuses an animal.

The investigation was aided by the Lancaster Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and now that charges have been filed, the Lancaster County District Attorney’s Office is reviewing the case. Sign the petition to let Ephrata Police Lt. Chris McKim and the entire Ephrata Police Department know that you appreciate their hard work in identifying and charging the man allegedly responsible for such horrific animal cruelty.


Dear Lt. McKim,

I am writing to applaud the efforts of both you and your police department as you successfully identified, arrested, and charged the man allegedly responsible for the fatal abuse of an overburdened horse. Not only did your department and the local fire department work tirelessly in attempts to revive the abused animal, but you carried out your public duty to the fullest extent in charging the 20-year-old man allegedly responsible for the horrific incident.

In this case, which has reached international attention, your department has shown the world that animals also deserve justice. Thank you for your hard work.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pavlofox


  1. I pray this vile and sadistic 20-year-old Amish man Marvin M. Sensenig is battered to death the same as his defenceless and innocent Horse. Because he is Amish he must be charged with deliberate animal torture and suffering the same as any other animal torturing monster.
    If this animal torturing monster is not charged, please someone finish this subhuman Amish filth off, making sure this monster dies in agony the same as the precious defenceless Horse endured.

  2. Thank you. All animal abuse shoukd be investigated and stopped EVERYWHERE. Change laws to punish animal abusers the same as human abuse and violence

  3. I just hope he gets raped a lot in prison 🙂

  4. Stephanie Geyser says:

    The Amish may be picturesque and quaint for the tourists, but they should realise that they live in the 21st Century – and they are NOT beyond the laws of the country which they inhabit (but claim to loathe), and stop trying to hide behind their constant excuses of a “pure” or “naïve” lifestyle. Thanks to Lt. McKim and your police department for a successful prosecution and conviction.

  5. Gerrie Seymore says:

    I hope he gets the maximum sentence!

  6. Avatar photo Richard Hofman says:

    Dirty and merciless people live anywhere on this planet and we have to clean up this land from such junk…
    I hope he will die soon…God will help him!

  7. Cynthia Mattera says:

    Awesome news! Just because he is Amish, does not mean he can get away with murder. Sick monster. I hope he gets the crap beat out of him in prison! An eye for an eye…..

  8. Bonnie Douglas says:

    I was shocked I thought they cherished their horses since they use them for transportation and for work. Boy I was wrong POS.

  9. simon hooper says:

    I would love to flog this sub human to death utter scum.

  10. Animal slavery must be stopped. Pitiful horses and other animals living in Pennsylvania. I hope the law imposes tougher punishment for animal cruelty and introduce better protection welfare for animals.

  11. ZERO mercy for them – the same the showed towards this poor animal.

  12. audrey williams says:

    the man intentionally hooked one horse up to pull the wagon full of watermelon on the 95 degree day. This is an intentional abuse case. he is not that stupid and knew at least 2 horses should have been hooked to that wagon. I would say he willfully killed the horse. he should be hooked up the wagon and be made to pull it until he dies.

  13. I hope this amish person????? suffers the same punishment in his live .
    No respect for animals at all .

  14. Thank you. At least some justice!

  15. Hope he gets beaten, burned,raped,skinned, i don’t really care as long as this filthy waste suffers & begs to die.

  16. Prosecute this waste of a horse beater and murderer to the fullest extent of our inadequate animal abuse laws! We demand justice for this poor horse!

  17. Kathy Khoshfahm says:

    This is great news! Far too often it goes the other way; perpetrators of crimes against animals simply walk away with no consequences. The Animal Kingdom are citizens of this Earth and they deserve our respect and protection. My heart aches for this innocent horse whose life was taken for absolutely no reason. Thank you Chris, and fellow officers, for bringing this man to justice. The world would be a better place if he were removed from the gene pool…

  18. Too bad PENNSYLVANIA laws are so pitiful , must be Amish governed. A $500 FINE?

  19. just a thank you

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