Target: Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews
Goal: Applaud legalization of medical marijuana in Victoria, Australia that will lead to better health and less suffering.
Citizens in Victoria, Australia will soon have access to medical marijuana thanks to mounting public pressure resulting from petitions such as this one published on ForceChange. With the passing of the Access to Medicinal Cannabis Bill, the state became the first in the country to make the drug legal, an enormous first step toward national and global legalization.
The movement to decriminalize marijuana has been gaining momentum in recent years, as prominent nations such as Austria, Canada, Belgium, Finland and Ireland all allow residents to use cannabis to treat illness and disease. Though medical marijuana is still not permitted by federal law in the United States, 23 states have legalized the drug.
Victoria’s Health Minister Jill Hennessy summed up the issue succinctly, saying “It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see families having to choose between breaking the law and watching their children suffer – and now … they won’t have to.” Sign the petition below and thank the Victorian government for their progressive legislation.
Dear Mr. Andrews,
I am writing to applaud your state’s recent decision to legalize medical marijuana. Multiple scientific studies have repeatedly demonstrated the numerous benefits of the drug, and Victoria’s approval of the Access to Medicinal Cannabis Bill shows a commitment to progressive medical policy and ensures that children will be able to receive the medical care that they so desperately need.
As Victoria’s Health Minister Jill Hennessy noted, families will no longer have to choose between breaking the law and watching their loved ones suffer. Thank you and your government for working to enact this measure.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: CMElixirs