Success: Dogs in Hot Cars May Now Be Rescued

Target: Rick Scott, Governor of Florida

Goal: Thank governor for making it legal to rescue distressed animals and children left unattended in hot cars.

Dogs left in hot cars may now be rescued in Florida. We need to thank the people who made this decision to let them know we are happy they strengthened animal welfare laws.

Because 24 people and pets died in hot cars last year and over double that many died in 2010, lawmakers are now allowing everyday citizens to break into cars to rescue both animals and children. Many hardworking advocates, such as those who are part of the ForceChange community, have fought to make such a reality possible. Now people will be able to make such rescues as long as they first try to open all vehicle doors, call police before or after breaking into the vehicle, use only the minimal force needed to make the rescue, and stay at the scene until officials arrive.

According to the National Weather Service, people and pets are in danger of dying from being left in cars even if the windows are rolled down and temperatures are lower. When considering all of these factors, it is apparent that making rescues legal was both smart and necessary.

Thank Governor Rick Scott and Florida lawmakers for allowing good Samaritans to rescue animals and children in distress. If we continue to support such changes, children and animals will eventually have all the rights they truly deserve.


Dear Governor Scott,

As you know, dogs and children who are in danger of dying as a result of being left in cars may now be rescued by citizens. It is great news that it is finally legal to help animals and people in this situation, as it will help to ensure that there are fewer tragic deaths every year.

Thank you for making this much needed adjustment to the law. Please know that we support you in your efforts to improve the lives of both animals and people. If we continue to take these types of steps, fewer innocent animals and children will suffer as a result of these horrible circumstances.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Lynn Friedman


  1. I have rescued multiple pets left unattended in extreme heat, from motor vehicles over the years by smashing the window.

  2. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Signed & Shared.

  3. michael guest says:

    Leaving dogs unattended in hot cars can be very bad. It’s about time that people can rescue them by breaking a window without getting charged.

  4. KatWrangler says:

    I hope this extends to ANY animal left in parked cars. Over the years I’ve taken dogs out of danger, AND a few cats and one bunny. And I’d do it again and again.

    Signed and Shared!

  5. I leave my dog in my truck in reasonable weather…but if I think it might get too hot then I leave the ac on high and run it every few minutes with my remote start. My dog is a family member and I’d rather burn a little gas than lose my friend.

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