Target: Wu Aiying, Minister of Justice
Goal: Applaud the Chinese government for releasing a journalist formerly held incommunicado.
The Chinese government has recently released Jia Jia, a well-known journalist detained for his association with a publication that criticized the government. Although Jia Jia has been cleared of any charges, the government continues to detain and question those involved with the publication. Sign the petition and continue to use the momentum built up by activists, including those here at ForceChange, to help effect positive change in China.
Jia Jia, the subject of an earlier ForceChange petition, was recently released following a detention by the Chinese government. Although the reasons for his detention have not yet been released, his friends believe that he was detained for being associated with the publication of a letter critical of the Chinese government.
In fact, Jia Jia was not actively involved in the publication of the letter. He actually urged the editor of the publication, a former colleague of his, not to publish it. The editor eventually complied with Jia Jia’s recommendation, but it was too late. Chinese authorities continue to track down anyone who they believe might know anything about the letter’s publication, and although Jia Jia has been released, the Chinese government continues to target anyone it believes may know anything about the letter’s publication–even the families of writers it suspects of involvement.
While the release of Jia Jia is a very positive step and is certainly worth celebrating, there is still much more work to be done. Sign the petition applauding the Chinese government’s release of Jia Jia, and urge them to end their persecution of other writers and their right to free speech.
Dear Minister,
I am writing to commend you on the recent release of journalist Jia Jia, who had been arrested following his involvement with a publication that was critical of the government. I am satisfied that justice has been done in this case, but I am concerned about the many other writers–and their families– who continue to be targets of government suspicion and persecution. Please use the release of Jia Jia as an opportunity to turn over a new leaf regarding free speech and freedom of expression in China.
Jia Jia was arrested after he advised a former colleague of his, the editor of Wu Jie News, not to publish a letter that criticized the government. While the editor did indeed pull the letter from the website, Jia Jia was detained. No reason has officially been given, but his friends believe it was as a result of his association with the letter. This belief is corroborated by the persecution and arrest of several other writers likely to have been involved.
The right to free speech is one of the most fundamental human rights and is a cornerstone of modern, free society. I urge you to respect and protect that right, and I commend you again on the release of Jia Jia.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Andrew Mason