Success: Gaza Zoo Selling All Remaining Animals to Save Them

Target: South Jungle Zoo Owner, Mohammad Oweida

Goal: Thank Gaza zoo owner for selling the remaining animals starving in his care.

The owner of South Jungle Zoo put the last of the animals in his care up for sale. The decision came after outcry from the public and petitions like this, demanding he relinquish the animals to other owners and that the zoo be closed. Oweida, the 24-year-old owner, is saddened by the decision but recognizes that he can no longer care for the animals.

Difficulties began for the zoo after a seven-week long dispute between Palestine and Israel back in 2014. Since then the zoo has had great difficulties sourcing food for the animals. As a result, of the hundreds of animals the zoo once cared for and shared with the public only 15 remain.

In a desperate attempt to keep the zoo running Oweida had even resorted to stuffing animals that had passed away due to starvation. He then put them on display for children to see up close and pet. However, the proceeds were still not enough to provide sufficient food for the remaining animals.

Many people wonder why Osweida had not acted sooner. But rather than place blame and judgment let us show our support for his decision. Sign the petition and spread the word to show your thanks and raise awareness for the remaining animals in need of new owners. Though 200 animals were lost, together we can save these 15.


Dear Mohammad Oweida,

Thank you for making the decision to sell the remaining 15 animals in your care. This must have been a difficult decision to make. I’m glad you realize it is just not possible to care for these animals in war-torn Gaza anymore, in spite of your best efforts.

Many petitions rallied for the better conditions of the animals, as well as the possibility of receiving assistance. I am sorry that this did not happen.

I thank you also for being open and honest about the extent of the animals lost in the zoo and offer our condolences. I regret that you did not act sooner to save the hundreds of lives lost, but I hope that these 15 remaining animals at least may reach new homes and owners soon that are able to care for them.

If you are unable to find new buyers in time, then please consider giving them over to sanctuaries or other owners who may provide the care they need. The deaths of these beautiful animals would represent a much greater loss than that of money. Please keep this in mind.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Reonis


  1. Yes, well done but what took you so long to see sense?!

  2. Success ? I’m not sure… Animals life is broken. Disgusted by mankind. They are probably safe I hope but…

  3. Shameful. All Mohammad Oweida cares about is money. According to the below article, he is selling one of his starving tigers for $23,000. If he cared about his animals, he would retire them to a sanctuary. Or spend money on feeding them. Not stuffing their dead, starved bodies so that kids can pet them for a quick buck. Or selling them at astronomical prices. If no one can afford to purchase the remaining 15 animals, what will happen to them? Starve to death?

  4. vicki ginoli says:

    I am grateful that he is allowing the 15 remaining animals to other places – but what of the hundreds of animals that cried out from hunger – no living being should be allowed to starved to death because of someone trying to feed his ego – this person does not care about animals in the least – all he cares about is himself and what he wants – When he realized that there was not going to be enough food – that is when the other homes should have been found – it’s too late – out of hundreds of animals – 15 remain – that is terrible odds. He is selfish and uncaring and should NEVER HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANIMALS AGAIN. I don’t care what the circumstances were – hundreds of animals STARVED BECAUSE OF HIS HORRIBLE DECISION – BUT I BET HE GOT HIS 3 MEALS A DAY !!!!! BAD PERSON – HOPE THERE IS A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR SUCH A SELFISH UNCARING SOUL!

  5. Nope… Not gonna sign… Why would anyone thank someone who has let hundreds of animals in his care suffer for so long and die from hunger just because he decided to sell the remaining 15 animals after coming under pressure from the public?! At this very moment, those innocent animals who are still with him are still suffering from starvation until someone “PAYS” him for their release and this petition wants us to thank this evil being and not pass judgement on him?!!! Instead of wasting your time and our time asking us to sign a petition to thank him, why don’t you create a petition to save these still suffering animals or something?!!!

  6. Though I did sign the petition, I feel that the animals are still in danger. The animals should go to a sanctuary rather than to the highest bidder–an individual or a zoo where they may continue to suffer mistreatment.

  7. “He said he was negotiating to sell the hungry tiger for around $23,000 to a Gaza resident who used to raise lion cubs.”
    A life of hell awaits all of the animals that will be born.
    The middle east is a hell hole for animals. Watch the tortured cattle videos where they are battered in the streets with crowds watching (the reason I don’t support any Palestinian campaigns).
    And all the animals were smuggled into Gaza through tunnels from Egypt.
    He should get no thanks and should be condemned for his animal slavery.

  8. Danijela Cebic says:

    Ok but where did they all go who bought them..?

  9. Darina Mitas says:

    Sign to thank him? Are you out of your mind? Soon we will be thanking murderers for not killing more people than they did.
    Pity, they are no laws to confiscate the animals and send them to appropriate sanctuaries
    Instead this creep still wants to make money from the remaining starving neglected animals.

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