Target: President Barack Obama
Goal: Applaud new policy that will work to close the pay gap between genders.
President Obama has finally solved an issue that he’s been struggling to solve since his first year in office: he has created new rules to close the gender wage gap. With these new rules, companies will have to send the government data showing how much they pay workers based on race, gender, and ethnicity. President Obama believes that this information will shed some light on discriminatory wage practices. Thanks to many activists, as well as petitions on ForceChange, equal wage can finally be achieved.
In the past, women would only be paid a fraction of what men earned. In 2014, women only earned 74 cents for every dollar men earned. These new rules would apply to more than 63 million employees and will provide much-needed information concerning the pay gap issue and finding out if certain ethnicities get paid less than others. As well as these new rules, Obama is asking Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act which will require employers to prove that gaps in wages are due to legitimate business reasons and not due to gender or race. Sign the petition below to thank President Obama for finally finding a solution to this age-old problem.
Dear President Obama,
Thank you for using your executive powers to close the wage gap between men and women. These new rules will finally bring men and women a step closer to gender equality and will send a message to future female generations that they are equal to their male coworkers and aren’t lesser than them. It sends the message that women shouldn’t feel held back and should be allowed to thrive in the field of their choice.
You have been very consistent about how you’ve seen this issue. You have been adamant on closing the wage gap since your first year in office. It was something you even promised to do as you were running for office. Many women, such as Lilly Ledbetter, who sued Goodyear Tire after learning she was being paid less than her male colleagues, believe that you are a powerful ally for civil rights and that every future generation, as well as ours, owe it to you for ensuring a safe and equal future. Closing the wage gap is a step closer to ending all aspects of gender inequality. Thank you for creating new rules to close the wage gap.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Pete Souza