Target: CEO of Campbell’s Denise Morrison
Goal: Applaud the decision to disclose genetically modified ingredients on food labels.
Campbell Soup is going to become the first major food company to identify the GMO ingredients used in its products. In addition to the Campbell Soup range, the company is the maker of brands such as Pepperidge Farm, Prego, Plum Organics, as well as V8 vegetable juices, which were previously petitioned by the good people of ForceChange to disclose all ingredients on their labels. Campbell’s is also calling for a mandatory federal solution to the GMO labeling issue, as currently the laws are decided on a state-by-state basis.
About three-quarters of the products they produce have ingredients that are derived from corn, canola, sugar beets or soybeans, which are the four largest crops that are genetically modified. The new labels will take between 12 and 18 months to come into effect. They have already created an example with Spaghetti-Os for Vermont, where a new law was passed that says all food companies must disclose genetically modified ingredients on their products’ labels starting in July. Applaud this decision by the Campbell Soup company to be more transparent in what consumers are getting with their products.
Dear Ms. Morrison,
The decision to label genetically modified ingredients on your company’s products is a big step forward in the fight for transparency in the food industry. As I’m sure you are aware, 92 percent of Americans support GMO labeling, and you have shown that you are listening to what they want. The right for consumers to know what they are eating and drinking should be a given, yet your company is the first of the major companies to move towards this disclosure.
This is a bold move, especially considering the costs of repackaging as well as the potential for lost sales. However, as has been noted before with the 1990 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act, the 2011 Facts Up Front program, and the disclosures on your website of items in your products that come from genetically modified crops, this commitment to transparency should have little negative effect on sales, and should in fact boost customer confidence. Hopefully this will encourage the other food companies to follow your lead. I applaud your decision to display GMO ingredients on your products’ labels.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Coolcaesar