Target: Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix
Goal: Applaud that Netflix has extended the parental leave policy for its hourly workers.
Thanks in part to petitions like ForceChange’s Demand Netflix Include Hourly Workers in New Parental Leave Policy, the parental leave policy for hourly workers at Netflix has been expanded.
Paid family leave benefits will increase to 100 percent of pay and to 16 weeks for those in Netflix’s streaming media division, 14 weeks for those working as hourly customer service staff, and 12 weeks for hourly workers in Netflix’s DVD unit. Paid paternal leave will also be introduced to all hourly workers.
Expanding the parental leave policy and benefits will help aid poor workers who need this benefit the most. This is a big and positive step that family and women’s advocacy groups have fought for and, although there’s always room for more improvement, this should be celebrated.
Applaud that hourly workers will now have a little weight lifted off their shoulders with this new expansion in parental leave.
Dear Mr. Hastings,
After a fight from activists, your company has extended its parental leave policy for hourly workers in addition to salaried workers. Increasing benefits to 100 percent of pay and a longer period will help poor workers who need these benefits the most.
While this is a great improvement, more can definitely be done to help the most vulnerable of your workers who are often struggling to get by despite having a job. I hope that policies like this continue to expand in the future in order to help all hourly workers become the most successful employees.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Marit and Toomas Hinnosaar