Success: SeaWorld to End Killer Whale Shows

Target: Joel Manby, SeaWorld Entertainment CEO

Goal: Thank SeaWorld California for ending abusive killer whale show.

SeaWorld has been under fire for their treatment of orcas and other animals since the movie Blackfish was released in 2013. Organizations across the country have called for SeaWorld to change their policies, including the ForceChange community.

Based on a recent announcement, these efforts have finally paid off. SeaWorld plans to begin phasing out killer whale shows in its San Diego location starting in 2016. Instead, beginning in 2017, SeaWorld will present an orca experience aimed at education and conservation. Whether or not this change will occur at its other parks in Orlando and San Antonio is unclear.

At least a portion of the funding for this change will come from funds initially set aside for the Blue World tank expansion project. SeaWorld also indicates they plan to continue efforts defending their humane practices. While it’s still unknown exactly what the new orca experience will entail and if or when all orca captivity practices will end, this announcement is a positive step. Thank SeaWorld for listening to public outcry and changing their practices.


Dear Mr. Manby,

In 2013, Blackfish brought public attention to SeaWorld’s treatment of the orcas in its custody. Since that time, legislation has been passed aimed at protecting the orcas and SeaWorld has spent countless dollars in campaigns representing themselves as humane caretakers of these breathtaking animals.

In a recent announcement, SeaWorld has started to show a change in their stance. In the wake of public outcry, SeaWorld San Diego has announced it will phase out their killer whale show in 2016 and debut a new orca experience aimed at presenting information about orcas and ocean conservation in 2017.

While it remains to be seen if this change will occur at all parks and it is still unclear exactly what this new presentation will look like, it is certainly a progressive step. We thank SeaWorld for heeding public appeals and making the health and safety of orcas a priority.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Leon7


  1. This does not help the orcas at all. For one thing, it is only at one park they are even making this minimal change, and second, they are simply changing the tricks. Ad they are still not retiring them to sea pens.

  2. Kae Blecha, OTR says:

    Not signing. They’re up to something; we just don’t know what it is yet.

  3. Ending the performances is only a tiny step, The whales will
    still be captives in a concrete prison. They swim hundreds of
    miles in the ocean and in captivity they are forced to swim in
    endless circles for life.
    This is nothing but a PR stunt by Sea World whose main objective
    is making money, NOT the welfare of these highly intelligent
    ans social animals.
    Cannot sign this petition.

  4. Bruce Mitchell says:

    Agree with Carrie Best and others.
    Not signing as it is not enough…

  5. They need to set them free or send them to a sanctuary.

  6. Not signing!This is a joke.Why phase out?Why not just stop it all now?!!!They can never make up for the harm already done.Who would thank a child molester if he decided to phase out children from being his intended targets!No way get out of here!

  7. Heather Brophy says:


  8. Not signing. Not good enough. The absolute minimum is to relocate these orca to sea pens but preferably return them to their ocean families. Do SeaWorld think we’re that stupid? They’re still exploiting orca and keeping them in a bath tub.

  9. Won’t sign since they’re only doing this to protect their jobs and company. Their usual amount of tourism has been taking a steep nose dive since their “secret” came out to the public. In other words, they know that if they don’t do something they will eventually have to close the entire park.

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