Stop New Fossil Fuel Production to Halt Climate Change

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Target: Joe Biden, president of the United States`

Goal: Stop new efforts to produce more fossil fuels for the sake of the environment.

Research has shown that over one-third of global fossil fuel production will be from the U.S. in coming years. As fossil fuels are beginning to be replaced by renewable energy, it’s insensible for more of these toxic pollutants to be produced. Scientists have predicted that in coming decades, fossil fuels will be at its peak production, and then will decrease, allowing ‘clean energy’ to take over. This was the most environmentally-friendly plan to assist in stopping climate change. Now, with increased fossil fuel production, the peak of fossil fuels will overlap with renewable energy use, further destroying Earth.

Increased fossil fuel production cannot continue. This is not only bad for the environment, but as renewable energy is popularizing, climate change will persist. Demand officials stop increased fossil fuel production to allow renewable energy sources to take over.


Dear President Biden,

New efforts to produce more fossil fuels are going to negatively harm the environment. The peak of fossil fuel production was predicted to be in the coming decades, but now, as renewable energy is sustainable, both power sources will be used simultaneously. This combination does nothing to reduce climate change; instead, it worsens it. The government must do more to prevent new fossil fuel projects to allow renewable energy to succeed to its fullest extent. Renewable energy is beneficial for Earth, but with increased fossil fuel use, its benefits are reduced.

Please stop increased fossil fuel production for Earth’s benefit. We need to focus on improving our environment, not breaking it down.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pixabay

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One Comment

  1. None of us can talk out of both sides of our mouths. Doesn’t work! By this time you are either for or against supporting fossil fuels. If we support them they will, likes;atter poop, go everywhere. We can no longer accept that. We can not afford to save their industry again and again. We support Big Oil is times of economic stress yet they do not pay taxes on their profits nor do they make any attempt to help with the environmental damage they have done even though they knew of this damage decades ago. No new efforts need be made ti assist Big Oil. No new projects need be done. New energy is our better way to go forward.

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224 Signatures

  • Carolyn Swan
  • Celana Bingham
  • J. David Scott
  • jacci russ
  • wesley burnett
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
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