Demand Climate Action From Planet’s Top Polluter

Target: Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary-General of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Goal: Stop enabling China’s use of developing country designation to offset climate responsibilities.

As scientists affirmed that record-setting heat waves would be impossible without human-induced climate change, a meeting between the world’s two biggest polluters concerning the climate crisis yielded little in the way of productivity. Representatives from the United States and China engaged in talks and promised more future talks, but no actionable plans or promises of partnership in tackling the world’s most existential emergency were made. Much of this lack of progress is because of the two nations’ contentious and adversarial relationship, but another major roadblock rests in China’s perceived status as a developing country.

China joins the United States in producing the most annual carbon emissions in a year: a testament to its strong industrial presence. Coal plants in particular are continuing to crop up in the country at a rapid pace. China has also established itself as the planet’s second- strongest economic force. Despite its massive power and influence, the nation is still classified as a developing country by the World Bank and the United Nations. It has leveraged this designation to get trade privileges and, more critically, to offset its responsibilities in mitigating the climate crisis. State media reports have said, “developed countries should take the lead in reducing emissions and fulfill their financial commitments as soon as possible while developing countries should make contributions within their capacity.”

Sign the petition below to demand the UN stop giving this top polluter cover for its inaction that will harm all living beings on Earth.


Dear Secretary-General Grynspan,

China’s capacity for making meaningful strides in the climate crisis is almost unimaginable, and its record-setting summer of consecutive 100-plus degree days, depleted reservoirs, withering crops, and failing power grids should be more than enough incentive for change. Yet this nation routinely refuses calls to strengthen and accelerate its carbon neutrality targets. Representatives have claimed “the path, method, pace and intensity to achieve this goal should and must be determined by ourselves and will never be influenced by others.”

But global partnership is essential, and the active participation of both nations responsible for nearly half of the world’s collective carbon emissions is even more urgent. The United Nations can and should help spur the necessary action by revising China’s designation as a developing country. The fact that the nation with one of the world’s most robust and powerful economies can hide behind this status and put the onus for needed change on others is unfair and deeply harmful to the overall mission.

China needs to take ownership and responsibility for its very prominent role in the climate crisis. With decisive action, it can be a leader in this fight. Please help realize this potential for the sake of the entire world.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: 螺钉


  1. China is not the world. China is part of this world we all live in and earth which is the only planet we have. China, like America, like Russia, and ALL others, is responsible to ALL nations. The United Nations must make this clear to China. China can not make it in their own and their lack of regard for other nations will eliminate them from the world stage.
    The people of these countries are innocent but the dictates, East or West, need to come to grips they will be held accountable for their actions or in-actions on pollution. It’s a world problem and must be a world solution.
    No exclusions!!!!

  2. I totally agree with g. This world is for all of us and we must all work together to maintain it so that life can flourish. In my eyes, China is NOT a developing country! It’s been around much longer than many other countries, including the US. Part of the problem is that they manufacture almost everything that is sold in the US. It can be made cheaper there, because of substandard pay to employees and plenty of people to work those crappy jobs. I think that if we stop buying all those cheap little plastic novelties, factories might close and reduce pollution.

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  • J. David Scott
  • jacci russ
  • Janice Bernard
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Erin Borozny
  • Lori Lorentz
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