Teach Climate Change in Schools to Help the Environment

Target: Miguel A. Cardona, the U.S. Secretary of Education

Goal: Educate future generations on climate change to benefit the environment moving forward.

According to scientists, the world has about ten years to prevent irreversible damage from climate change. With the state of the world, this is highly unlikely, even with the influx of companies attempting to reduce carbon emissions. With the severity of climate change, the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) has required New Jersey’s public schools to teach students about climate change starting in kindergarten. These standards began two years ago and have helped New Jersey students to understand the impact of their decisions on the environment. This is a standard that needs to be present within all public school districts.

Current students are the world’s future. If climate change is expected to improve, future generations need to be properly educated on what is going on within the environment. Incorporating a pro-environment curriculum within school systems can instill the importance of sustainability into children from a young age. New Jersey’s impacts have taught students how to resolve issues in creative and innovative ways instead of focusing on the distress of the world. It’s time for the rest of America to incorporate this type of education into schools.

New Jersey’s public schools teach children how to better sustain the environment, so the rest of the U.S. should do the same. Climate change will be in the hands of future generations, so it’s necessary to equip them with the proper knowledge needed to change the world. Sign this petition to urge the U.S. Department of Education to improve climate change efforts through the school system.


Dear Secretary Cardona,

Climate change is a dire issue throughout the world. If nothing is done to fix it within the next ten years, it may be irreversible. To help the environment, New Jersey began teaching students about the impact of climate change and how they can help. This has taught the students to come up with sustainable solutions to day-to-day issues. All other students should be taught to do the same.

By promoting all U.S. public schools to teach about climate change, the future looks a lot brighter for the environment. Climate change has a better chance of being stopped; hence the importance of this small change.

We urge you to take the necessary steps in causing U.S. schools to teach climate change. By addressing this change, future generations have the opportunity to change the world for the better. Please include climate change in the curriculum of public schools. I appreciate your attention to this message.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: TheDigitalArtist


  1. The climate crises is here and not going away soon. Actually with the way governments and citizens are treating the climate it may not go away at all.
    It is important to teach kids about climate change now as they will be leading the world in the future. If we teach them to have respect for the earth, nature, animals, wildlife, oceans, water, air, and so much more they will recognize the problems to be solved in order to have viable life here on earth. If we do not teach this to the kids of the future they will be ignorant of what causes and cures climate changes. Knowledge is everything as it brings understanding followed by peace. We can make sure their future will be brighter filled with appreciation for life and also their earth home.

    • I agree with “g”. Knowledge is enlightenment and power. Kids need to learn from early on that their future depends on what is done today. I realize that many children are growing up in homes in which climate change denial is spoken, but it’s up to us to point out the scientific facts to them so that they can make their own decisions. It needs to be stressed that we are concerned for them and the future of our World.

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  • Cecilia Rolfo
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  • Beate Aurich
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  • Sandra Dorst
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