Post Tagged with: "international"

Success: French Slaughterhouse Shut Down

A slaughterhouse came under fire after an activist group released footage of employees violently abusing animals. Since then, public outcry and petitions have demanded justice for these animals and the slaughterhouse was shut down. Praise management and officials for taking this action.

Success: International Court Recognizes Rape as a War Crime

An international court has acknowledged rape as a war crime in the recent conviction of an ex-politician from the Congo. Applaud the International Criminal Court (ICC) for recognizing rape as a crime against humanity.

Success: Missing Journalist Released From Detention

After an outcry from activists around the world, a missing Chinese journalist has been released following his incommunicado detention. Celebrate his freedom while urging the Chinese government to respect freedom of speech.

Success: Dynamite Ends Use of Angora Fur

A global clothing retailer has made the decision to stop supporting the cruel fur trade by banning the use of angora fur in its clothes. Sign this petition to thank Dynamite for making such a progressive decision.

Success: Poet Imprisoned for Insulting Poem Released

A poet has been pardoned after serving an unjust prison sentence. His imprisonment began after he recited a controversial poem about the government. Praise the royal court for pardoning this poet and protecting the freedom of expression.

Allow Gay Couple to Escape Persecution

After fleeing persecution in Iran, two gay men were exiled to an island where they face continued harassment and risks to their safety. Support allowing this couple to find a safe sanctuary in a country where LGBT rights are protected.

Success: Greece Accepts Incoming Syrian Refugees

The Greek government has agreed to set up reception centers to host 50,000 refugees and migrants. Sign this petition to applaud the government’s efforts in accepting more refugees and keeping them safe.

Success: New Breakthrough in Cancer Research

A group of doctors has discovered a possible cure for cancer. They have found that they can use a person’s own immune system to kill off cancerous cells at their core and stop them spreading throughout the body. Sign this petition to applaud the efforts of the team.

Success: New Law Prevents Overfishing

Hundreds of dead or dying sea lions have been washing ashore due to starvation. Chile has recently implemented new laws that restrict overfishing practices in its oceans. Sign this petition to thank the government of Chile for protecting the delicate balance of marine life.

Success: Gaza Zoo Selling All Remaining Animals to Save Them

Fifteen starving and at-risk animals will be rescued from a zoo in a war-torn area. Show your support for sending these animals to new homes, and help raise awareness about the need to find them new caretakers.

Success: Wildlife Crime Police Unit Receives Funding

An important wildlife crime unit has been saved from closure by government funding that will support its actions for at least four years. Sign this petition to thank the U.K. government for agreeing to fund this valuable police unit and urge them to continue taking steps to fight wildlife crime.

Success: Icelandic Whaling Company Cancels Hunt for Fin Whales

Iceland’s only whaling company just announced that they will not be hunting endangered fin whales this summer. Sign this petition to thank the company for cancelling this season’s hunt and urge them to continue taking steps to protect endangered whales.

Help Create Jobs Through Recycling

Countries like India are choking on trash, but recycling programs can clean up the environment while providing good jobs. Support community recycling efforts.

Success: Tampon Company Publicly Lists Ingredients

The ingredients of a corporation’s tampons will now be listed on their website and packaging after a woman lost her leg due to toxic shock syndrome when she used a tampon labeled ‘natural.’ Applaud this decision that will make the ingredients of this corporation’s tampons and pads transparent to all consumers.

End Misleading Supermarket Prices

Misleading price tags designed to trick consumers are being used by major supermarkets. Protect shoppers from dishonest deals and support fair and accurate pricing.

Success: Lego Introduces Disabled Child Minifigure

Lego recently announced the addition of a wheelchair-bound minifigure to its ‘Fun in the Park’ line. Sign the petition and applaud Lego’s celebration of diversity.

Success: Imprisoned Journalist Released

An American journalist has been released following imprisonment in Iran. Thank the Department of State for their efforts in securing this innocent man’s freedom.

Success: Soda Sales Drop Significantly Thanks to Tax

Sales of sweetened drinks in Mexico have fallen by 12 percent after a 20 percent tax was added. Praise the successful initiative for encouraging citizens to make healthier choices.

Success: Men Accused of Helping to Kill Cecil the Lion Will Likely be Prosecuted

Two of Cecil the lion’s alleged killers will likely be prosecuted, as the court has refused to dismiss the case even though one of the accused requested that charges be dropped. Thank court officials for taking the investigation seriously and for doing their best to ensure anyone involved with this horrible and pathetic crime is punished.

Stop Mutilating Children With Explosive Weapons

Too many innocent children and families have been maimed, mutilated, and killed by explosive weapons targeting civilian areas. Don’t let these human rights violations continue.

Success: Prisoner of Conscience Released

A human rights activist sentenced to a year in prison for peacefully protesting utilities rate hikes and the mysterious death of a journalist has been released following reductions to his sentence. Sign the petition to praise Myanmar for this positive step.

Success: World Leaders Align Against Climate Change

Nearly 200 world leaders have come together to combat climate change. The creation of the Paris Agreement is a big step toward reducing greenhouse gases and exploring alternative energy sources. Praise the world leaders for coming together for the sake of our planet.

Success: Animal Agriculture’s Effect on Climate Change Discussed at Paris Conference

Animal agriculture and meat consumption’s effects on climate change were discussed at the recent Paris climate change talks. Applaud this significant discussion and push for more of them in the future.

Success: North Korea Pledges to Fight Deforestation

North Korea has pledged to fight deforestation and lower its greenhouse gas emissions. Applaud this step towards protecting our planet.

Success: Access to Abortion in Ireland Extended

Women may now have more grounds for abortion, thanks to a ruling by the High Court in Ireland. Applaud this win for women’s rights.

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