Over 100 Farm Animals Allegedly Neglected to Death Deserve Justice
More than 100 sick and dying farm animals were rescued from reported deplorable conditions at a farm. Prosecute the responsible party to the fullest extent of the law.
More than 100 sick and dying farm animals were rescued from reported deplorable conditions at a farm. Prosecute the responsible party to the fullest extent of the law.
Nineteen dogs reportedly died due to mistreatment. Enforce stricter animal cruelty laws and ensure justice.
Thirty cats were reportedly kept in a house filled with urine and feces. Ensure their owner faces maximum legal consequences for his alleged actions and receives mental health treatment for the welfare of his animals.
Over 160 animals were reportedly neglected and denied medical care. Demand strict enforcement of animal cruelty laws to ensure those found responsible face the maximum legal consequences.
A man has been charged with animal cruelty after allegedly dragging his ex-girlfriend’s dog behind his truck during an argument. Ensure he faces the maximum legal consequences, if found guilty.
A state that has significantly accelerated its attempts at literary censorship is taking its agenda a step further. Call for an end to politically motivated book bans that deprive youth of a holistic education.
Alarms were raised after 348 animals were allegedly found in distressing conditions. Hold the suspected perpetrators accountable and enforce stricter animal welfare laws.
Two farmers allegedly neglected donkeys and a horse, causing severe injuries and suffering. Pursue the maximum penalties for animal cruelty.
A man allegedly brutalized a 6-month-old terrier mix, leading to its severe injury. Call for justice to ensure maximum penalties for the reported acts of cruelty.
Individuals convicted of hurting animals should never have the opportunity to inflict pain on a vulnerable victim again. Applaud Virginia’s effort to stop animal cruelty recidivism in its tracks.
Tourists have reported witnessing donkeys collapsing in the heat, overworked and deprived of rest. Demand action to protect these animals and stop their exploitation in tourist attractions.
An elephant died while being forced to give rides to tourists for entertainment. Urge travel agents and tourists to avoid supporting businesses that profit from animal abuse.
A cat was found with an arrow in its head, prompting an investigation. Urge authorities to find the perpetrator and ensure they face the maximum legal consequences.
Floating ocean creatures have received little recognition or focus, but their contribution to the marine world is unmatched. Demand a stronger emphasis on understanding and protecting the ocean’s first line of defense.
A man faces serious animal cruelty charges after 10 dead animals were reportedly found on his property. Ensure he faces the maximum legal consequences.
A man has been charged with felony animal cruelty after Ring footage allegedly captured him violently abusing a dog. Ensure he faces the maximum legal consequences.
A 35-year-old man faces charges for alleged animal cruelty after a dog, “Baby Girl,” was found in dire conditions and euthanized. Ensure justice is served for Baby Girl.
A man faces charges in a large-scale suspected animal abuse case involving over 75 animals. Ensure thorough prosecution and justice for the animals.
Animal cruelty cases reportedly face inadequate enforcement. Call on the authorities to uphold the law and ensure accountability for alleged animal cruelty.
An apparently mentally ill individual has been shot dead, reportedly by police. Demand lifesaving approaches to deescalate mental health crises before they turn tragic.
A man faces charges for allegedly mistreating his police dog, Daisy. Ensure he faces the maximum legal consequences for this alleged animal cruelty.
Hundreds of rabbits allegedly suffered torture chamber-like conditions in a woman’s garage. Half of these bunnies died as a reported result. Call for proper prosecution and punishment in this disturbing case.
Young people are losing an invaluable refuge for mental wellness and skill development. Demand a dedicated commitment to the restoration of youth clubs.
A reality show allegedly allowed a crime against conservation to take place, with no real repercussions. Call for more decisive punitive action in this problematic case.
Eco-friendly EV production cannot strengthen without the infrastructure that makes everyday operation of these vehicles possible. Demand leaders help mitigate transportation’s outsized role in the climate crisis.