
Don’t Make Asylum Unsafe

Threats of a mass deportation are once again creating upheaval and uncertainty. Demand the United Kingdom put a halt to one of its most controversial and damaging practices.

Pigeon Allegedly Beaten to Death Deserves Justice

A 93-year-old man was arrested for allegedly beating a pigeon to death with a cane. Demand justice and stronger enforcement of animal cruelty laws.

Protect Pets From Dangerous Summer Heat

Pets are dying in hot cars despite readily available safe alternatives. Raise awareness on how to keep pets safe during summer.

18-Year-Old Cat Allegedly Kidnapped by Stranger Deserves Justice

Antonio, an 18-year-old tabby cat beloved by the community, has gone missing after apparently being kidnapped. Demand action to locate and return this cherished cat.

Investigate Alleged Animal Cruelty Tied to Child Neglect Case

A shocking alleged child neglect case has also revealed possible animal cruelty at the hands of the same individuals. Demand a thorough investigation and justice for the animals involved.

Wage Legal War on Dog Fighting

Dog fighting destroys and claims countless canine lives every year. Demand an at-risk state deliver results against this brutal crime.

Pet Cat Reportedly Left Unfed by New Mother Deserves Justice

A disturbing op-ed has surfaced revealing alleged animal neglect by a new mother toward her pet cat, sparking public outrage. Demand investigation and justice for the cat.

Cats Apparently Poisoned by Vengeful Landlord Deserve Justice

A man is charged with using antifreeze to poison his tenant’s cats to death. Demand accountability and stronger protection for animals.

Address Overcrowding Crisis in Animal Rescue Centres

Over 100 animals are currently housed in private boarding due to overflowing rescue centres. Support rehoming efforts and alleviate the financial strain on charities.

Demand Justice for Dogs Allegedly Left to Die in Kennels

Two dogs were reportedly found dead in kennels outside a woman’s home. Demand a thorough investigation and accountability for this alleged act of animal cruelty.

Stop the Rise of Online Animal Cruelty

A troubling increase in online animal abuse is being reported, with social media platforms being used to share cruel acts. Demand stricter regulations and enforcement to protect animals.

Justice for Puppy Allegedly Killed During Violent Outburst

A man has been charged with animal cruelty after allegedly killing a puppy during a violent outburst. Ensure that he faces the maximum penalty for this heinous alleged act to prevent further harm.

Prioritize End of Plastic Pollution

Plastic production is ramping up while global leaders work to curb its dangers. Demand a stronger commitment to eliminating environmentally detrimental overproduction and invasive special interests.

Investigate Case of Cat Reportedly Dragged Behind Truck

A cat was reportedly tied behind a moving vehicle, leading to accusations of animal cruelty. While the investigation points to this being an accident, an animal was still endangered. Ensure a thorough review to deliver justice to the cat and prevent future harm.

Address Bestiality Case Involving Man’s Alleged “Affair” With Dolphin

A self-proclaimed zoophile claims to have engaged in a sexual relationship with a dolphin. Investigate these claims and ensure that animals are safeguarded against similar acts in the future.

Demand Justice for Dog Allegedly Thrown Over Fence on Camera

A man was allegedly caught on camera repeatedly dumping and abandoning dogs. Urge authorities to prosecute him fully and protect vulnerable animals.

Stray Dogs Reportedly Bound and Dumped in River Deserve Justice

Two men allegedly tied up six stray dogs and attempted to dump them into a swollen river. Call on authorities to ensure they face maximum legal consequences.

Ban Perfume for Dogs Due to Potential Health Risks

A perfume for dogs poses serious health risks to pets, according to experts. Ban this product and protect pets from alleged harm.

Ban Ants From Being Used as Decorative Accessories

The practice of housing live ants in tiny phone cases has sparked outrage. Demand a ban on using animals as decorative accessories.

End Alleged Cruelty to Elephants Used for Rides

Elephants used for rides reportedly endure significant suffering. Take action to retire and rehabilitate these animals.

Save Goldfish Reportedly Trapped in Shallow, Unsanitary Puddle

A group of men reportedly created a makeshift public aquarium on a sidewalk, housing goldfish in unsuitable conditions. Demand immediate removal of the fish and protection against such alleged neglect.

Demand Justice for Stray Dog Shot Dead and Hastily Buried

A stray dog was shot and buried, sparking outrage and calls for stricter animal protection laws. Take immediate action to ensure justice and enhance stray animal protections.

Don’t Discourage Patients From Seeking Medical Care

Texas leaders are trying to force doctors to betray their patients. As a result, countless individuals will likely avoid desperately needed care. Speak out against this step backward for a state with one of the nation’s worst healthcare records.

End Taliban’s Torture of Women

Women in Afghanistan are continuing to suffer escalating abuses at the hands of the Taliban. Call for more international pressure against this oppressive regime.

Over 100 Farm Animals Allegedly Neglected to Death Deserve Justice

More than 100 sick and dying farm animals were rescued from reported deplorable conditions at a farm. Prosecute the responsible party to the fullest extent of the law.

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