
Protect Animals From Being Beaten, Shocked, and Dragged Across Ground at Livestock Auctions

Animals are reportedly abused at livestock auctions, suffering from kicking, shocking, and harsh treatment. Demand legal protections to end this cruelty.

Punish Councilman for Allegedly Dragging Pig by Ears in Video

A councilman was reportedly filmed dragging a pig by its ears, sparking outrage and concerns about animal cruelty. Demand justice for this innocent animal.

Demand Justice for Dogs Reportedly Abandoned to Starve in Vacant House

Two dogs were reportedly abandoned without food or water in a filthy house, left starving for weeks. Demand justice for these animals.

Dogs Reportedly Abandoned and Starved to Death Deserve Justice

One dog died and others suffered severe malnutrition from abandonment and neglect, according to reports. Demand justice for these seemingly abused animals.

Investigate Reality TV Star Who Reportedly Hoards and Overfeeds Cats

A reality TV star allegedly hoards 11 cats in unsafe conditions, with reports of overfeeding leading to obesity and possible neglect. Demand an investigation to protect these animals.

Ban Unsafe and Unhealthy Microbeads in Personal Care Products

Many personal care products across the world contain a hidden environmental and health threat. Urge an end to the production of dangerous microbeads.

Cats Allegedly Found Dead and Starving Deserve Justice

Forty cats were reportedly neglected, with two found dead due to their poor condition. Demand legal action against those allegedly responsible for this severe animal cruelty.

Dogs, Pigs, and Birds Allegedly Abused at Rescue Shelter Deserve Justice

Animals were allegedly kept in poor conditions at an animal rescue shelter, leading to them suffering serious medical conditions. Demand legal action to protect these animals and hold those allegedly responsible accountable.

Piglets Allegedly Mutilated and Left to Die at Certified Farm Deserve Justice

Piglets were allegedly mutilated without pain relief and left to die at a farm certified for animal welfare. Demand legal action against those allegedly responsible for this severe animal cruelty.

Animals Allegedly Found Emaciated and Malnourished in Home Demand Justice

Multiple animals were reportedly found malnourished and abused in a residence, leading to an ongoing investigation. Demand legal action against those allegedly responsible.

Stop Animal Cruelty Crimes With Dedicated Abuse Unit

Animals are suffering due to insufficient resources to combat abuse. Demand the creation of a dedicated unit to address animal cruelty.

Punish Man Accused of Punching Cat to Death

A cat was reportedly punched repeatedly, leading to the animal’s death. Demand justice for this seemingly heinous act.

Stop Buffalo Racing Event From Putting Profit Over Animal Safety

Traditional buffalo races are reportedly causing harm by transporting stressed animals over long distances. Demand authorities take action to prevent potential suffering.

Justice for 29 Cats Reportedly Found in Filthy Home with Four Deceased Animals

First responders allegedly uncovered a horrifying scene of neglect: 29 sick cats and four deceased animals in a home filled with the stench of feces. Shocking reports suggest the owner may have been confined to a bathroom, raising urgent questions about animal welfare. Justice is needed for these vulnerable victims.

Seek Justice for Dog Reportedly Found 29 Pounds Underweight

A poodle was reportedly found suffering from severe neglect, leading to animal cruelty charges against the owner. Demand legal action to ensure justice and prevent future acts of animal cruelty.

Demand Justice for Puppy Allegedly Burned Alive at Animal Shelter

A puppy was reportedly burned alive by staff at an animal shelter. Demand immediate legal action to ensure justice and prevent future abuse.

End Deadly Violence Fueled by Growing Antisemitism

Anti-Semitism is on the rise in France, as are other violent and racist ideologies. Call for preventive measures to combat deadly hate crimes.

Save World’s Smallest Hippos From Extinction

Pygmy hippos are gaining attention in captivity while their numbers drastically dwindle in the wild. Demand enhanced conservation efforts for this endangered species.

Dogs Allegedly Found Starved and Injured in Suspected Criminal’s Home Deserve Justice

Over 20 dogs were reportedly starved and abused in the home of a suspected criminal. Demand legal action against those allegedly responsible for this animal cruelty.

Cats Allegedly Found Living in Squalor Deserve Justice

Over 30 cats were reportedly living in unsanitary conditions, some deceased and many in poor health. Demand legal action against those allegedly responsible for this severe animal neglect.

Seek Justice for Hundreds of Mink Reportedly Released Into Wild to Suffer and Die

Hundreds of mink were reportedly released from a fur farm into the wild, leading to their suffering and deaths due to starvation, disease, and predation. Demand legal action to prevent such acts of animal cruelty and protect both wildlife and the environment.

Demand Justice for Dozens of Cats Reportedly Found Living Without Food or Water

A woman faces charges after authorities reportedly found dozens of cats living without adequate food or water and surrounded by feces. Demand legal action.

Demand Justice for Dog Reportedly Left Trapped in Home for Over 24 Hours

A dog was reportedly found in a state of serious neglect, leading to animal cruelty charges against the owner. Demand legal action to ensure justice and prevent future acts of animal cruelty.

Dog Reportedly Shot and Killed While Tied Up in Its Own Yard Deserves Justice

A dog was reportedly shot and killed while tied up in its own yard. Demand legal action against those allegedly responsible for this act of animal cruelty.

Puppies Allegedly Found Tied in Bags in Trash Can Need Justice

Four puppies were allegedly tied in plastic bags and left in a trash can, leading to one death and severe injuries to others. Demand legal action against those accused of this cruelty.

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