
Don’t Support Deplorable Detention and Abuse of Refugees

African refugees are facing abuse, death, and inhuman detention in Libya. One of the world’s most powerful alliances is apparently funding and enabling these violations. Urge the European Union to think twice about its support for an escalating human rights crisis.

Don’t Let Bitcoin Miner Derail Climate Goals

Bitcoin mining hurts our environment with its high energy requirements and reliance on fossil fuels. One company has reopened a shuttered fossil fuel plant in New York that is now producing enough electricity to power 35,000 homes. Act now to stop harmful bitcoin mining.

Save Giant Sequoias From Fiery Destruction

Three-thousand-year-old trees are being destroyed by human recklessness. Giant sequoias deserve and need protection from human-driven infernos. Demand more resources be devoted to protecting these irreplaceable giants.

Stop Slaughtering Pigs and Killing Marine Life in the Process

Farms are slaughtering pigs at an unprecedented rate, and are also responsible for the deaths of countless marine animals. Urge an end to this industry’s reckless and immoral practices.

Return Amazonian Lands to Indigenous People

Indigenous people fight for their rights in the heart of Brazil. They have lost their land, heritage, and culture through decades of discrimination and “integration.” Act now to compel President Bolsonaro to give them their territory back.

Topple Tax Havens and Legal Shields for Billionaires

All manner of financial crimes have found safe harbor in the United States. The wealthy, powerful, and criminal from around the world are legally protected and their billions shielded. Call for an end to the rich getting richer at the expense of everyone else.

Stop Silencing Victims of Workplace Abuse With Threats of Legal Recourse

Workplace harassment and violence are enabled and protected by non-disclosure agreements. These forms of legal intimidation have silenced victims and survivors for too long. Demand an end to their misuse and abuse.

Procter & Gamble Must Stop Destroying the Earth’s Forests

The maker of Gillette, Dawn soap, Oral-B, and more, is razing forests, adding to climate change, and obliterating wildlife habitat in the planet’s last biodiversity strongholds. Tell Procter & Gamble to stop this destruction.

Success: Majestic Land and Marine Monuments Restored After Disastrous Trump Cuts

Awe-inspiring natural wonders have endured relentless assaults from the fishing and drilling industries. Federally protected monuments in Utah and New England sustained some of the most egregious attacks. Applaud the reversal of fortune that will protect these regions and all their inhabitants.

Protect Hundreds of Greyhounds from Cruel Deaths Due to Blood Sport

Hundreds of greyhound dogs die in the United Kingdom every year—and many more are abused and abandoned—to feed the greed of the racing industry. Demand government officials who are supposed to protect these animals finally prohibit exploitative greyhound racing.

Don’t Withhold Life-Saving COVID-19 Vaccines From the Poor

Moderna, maker of arguably the world’s best vaccine against COVID-19, is striking deals almost entirely with rich countries at the expense of poor and more at-risk populations. Demand a balancing of the scales for public health efforts that will ultimately help the entire world.

Empower Voters and Weaken Special Interests With Ranked-Choice Voting

Ranked-choice voting allows anyone to vote their conscience. It is a non-partisan tool that enforces true majority rule and decreases the power of the two-party system. Sign the petition now to increase your own voting power in the next election.

Dog Reportedly Found Hairless and ‘Screaming in Pain’ Deserves Justice

A dog was reportedly found starving, hairless, and “screaming in pain,” while being beaten by a disabled child with a stick. The parents of the child reportedly owned the dog and allowed this, along with even more horrific terrors, to be inflicted upon this innocent animal.

Remove Images of Murder and Other Viral Violent Content From Social Media

When images of a young woman’s lifeless body went viral on social media, the quest for justice for her and her family began. Urge a Congress supposedly determined to take on social media giants to hold these corporate entities accountable for their inaction on violent content.

Combat Climate Change to Prevent Global Water Crisis

Water shortages and disasters could cause a catastrophic global state of emergency. The United Nations warns of massive turmoil for Earth and all its living beings as a result. Demand America set the right example for a planet wasting its most precious resource.

Elderly Horse Reportedly Punched and Hit With Rocks Deserves Justice

Two attackers were apparently caught on camera hitting an elderly horse named Indy and throwing rocks at him. Demand justice for Indy.

Stop Torture and Slaughter of Animals for Fur Sales

Fur farms are ground zero for torture and slaughter that rivals the worst animal cruelty cases. Importing and selling fur products with a horrifying legacy allows abusers to profit from this cruelty. Demand the United Kingdom uphold its pledge to protect animal rights by banning barbaric fur sales once and for all.

End Government-Backed Execution and Oppression of LGBTQ+ Populations

LGBTQ+ Malaysians face criminalization, ostracization, and often torture and death…all permitted by a government that is seeking a place on the human rights council. Demand world leaders take this nation to task for a hypocritical and deeply damaging stance that has hurt millions of people.

Success: Exploited Food Delivery Workers’ Rights Restored

Food delivery workers have experienced gross underpayment and threats to their dignity and safety. They deserve better after giving sustenance and stability to Americans through natural disasters, pandemics, and other challenges. Applaud a major city’s plan to better protect these essential employees’ rights.

Ban Oil Drilling Off Coast in Wake of Latest Disastrous Spill

Another catastrophic oil spill has devastated wildlife and communities, coating California beaches in toxic petroleum. Help prevent future such disasters by permanently banning oil drilling in this sensitive region.

Don’t Feed Mad Cow-Infected Animal Remains to Livestock

Farm animals may soon be forced to consume the remains of other animals, exposing them to a fatal infectious illness in the process. Demand a stop to this disgusting practice.

Emaciated Dog Infested With Hookworm Found Wandering Streets Deserves Justice

A terribly abused dog, described by a rescuer as the “worst thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life,” was found wandering the streets. The abuser has not yet been caught. Demand authorities find the person responsible for this terrible abuse.

Dead Whale Found With Metal Chunk in Intestines Deserves Justice

A dead humpback whale was discovered with head injuries and a large chunk of metal in her intestines, which had damaged the creature’s digestive tract. It is suspected that fishermen are to blame. Demand authorities find and prosecute those responsible.

Dying Poodle Thrown in Dumpster Deserves Justice

A severely injured poodle named Griffin was wrapped in a pillowcase and thrown into a dumpster by unknown abusers. Although Griffin was rescued and provided medical care, he succumbed to his injuries. Demand authorities devote more resources to find and prosecute Griffin’s killers.

Bust Big Tech’s Mobile App Monopoly

Big tech bullying of app stores and developers is undermining the marketplace and robbing millions of consumers of choice. Demand an end to these underhanded business practices.

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