
Ban Child Beauty Pageants

The child beauty pageant world is corrupting children’s values and exposing them to inhumane standards of perfection. Enough kids have been psychologically scarred by being forced to focus on obsessing over being perfect and constantly comparing themselves to others. Call for a ban on these harmful contests.

Stop “Wildlife Services” From Cruelly Slaughtering Millions of Animals

U.S. Wildlife Services kills over a million wild animals every year, while making no real effort to protect endangered species. Hold this agency accountable to its stated mission and end the bloodbath now.

Stop Compiling Blacklist of Political Dissidents

Singapore is in serious danger of sacrificing more freedoms in the name of politics. A current proposal could curtail the privacy and right to free expression of countless individuals. Demand the government end this detrimental and legally unsound overreach.

Stop Gutting Homeowner’s Insurance for Benefit of Corporations

Florida homeowners are facing setbacks in their insurance coverage and their ability to receive just compensation from unscrupulous insurers. Demand the state prioritize these valued consumers over corporate greed.

Stop Deadly Chemicals from Harming Families

Chemicals that are linked to infertility, brain tumors, Parkinson’s disease and leukemia are in products we use everyday. Tell the EPA to do its job and get these deadly chemicals out of our homes.

Stop Giving Tax Breaks and Handouts to Big Oil

The United Kingdom has positioned itself as a leader in the fight against climate change, but is enabling and subsidizing the very corporations driving this crisis. Call for the UK’s actions to match its words on Big Oil oversight and accountability.

Ban the Use of Live Firearms on Film Sets Following Cinematographer’s Tragic Death

A cinematographer on the set of the film “Rust” was shot dead by a live gun that was supposed to be filled with blanks. Somehow, the gun fired contained a lethal amount of live ammunition, an entirely avoidable tragedy. Please, ensure that no one else dies from “prop” guns.

Success: Parole Board Recommends Clemency for Julius Jones

A possibly innocent man has an impending date with death. Thanks to a parole board’s recommendation, Julius Jones may be spared from execution. Support this critical decision that could save a life.

Eliminate Harmful Pollution From U.S Highways

Trucks and buses cause 420 million tons of pollution each year. By making the switch to clean vehicles, the U.S can eliminate over 4.7 billion tons of climate pollution and prevent thousands of deaths. Call for the switch to zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles today.

Stop Poisoning Farmed Fish With Antibiotics and Pesticides

The fish farming industry is poisoning our land, water, people, and wildlife with drugs and other chemicals. Tell the FDA to put a halt to these toxic practices.

Don’t Allow College Loan Debt to Cripple Students

Student debt affects over 43 million Americans, predominantly People of Color. As tuition costs continue to skyrocket, forgiveness is increasingly urgent. Act now to grant relief to those suffering.

Stop Mass Slaughter of Colombian Hippos

Formerly captive hippos in Colombia gained their freedom but are now facing a planned slaughter. Sign this petition to save the hippos.

Don’t Prioritize Coal Production Over World’s Future

China could make or break the world’s victory against climate change. Demand this top global polluter end its addiction to coal and commit to cleaner, safer, and more economically beneficial renewable energy.

Abolish Racist and Imperialist Death Penalty

The death penalty has a history as an instrument of oppression and racism in many countries. Demand Africa’s leading nation in executions join in the abolishment of this inhumane, unjust practice.

Stop Massive Pipeline From Devastating Streams and Wetlands

The Mountain Valley Pipeline will devastate thousands of streams and waterways in West Virginia, while leaking methane and making climate change worse. Help stop this misguided project.

Reportedly Malnourished Lions Forced to Eat Their Own Deserve Justice

Thirty lions had to be euthanized after apparently sustaining severe burns from a fire, and being unable to escape due to life-threatening malnutrition. Act now to make sure their owner is never allowed to care for animals again.

Fly Rainbow Pride Flags in Classrooms to Support Bullied Youth

The rainbow pride flag, a symbol of safety for some of the nation’s most marginalized youth, is being attacked and banned in classrooms. This is the latest toxic behavior coming from self-centered adults in America’s school systems. Demand one school district lift its destructive ban on this LGBTQ+ symbol.

Ban the Use of Toxic Teflon in Cookware

Teflon contains hazardous chemicals that accumulate in the human body and never biodegrade. Ban its use in cookware and utensils.

Prevent Unlawful Execution of Wrongfully Convicted Man

Julius Jones, a man convicted of murder, is scheduled for execution even though evidence suggests his innocence. Systemic failures including inadequate council and reportedly severe racial bias on the part of the jury led to what many believe to be a wrongful conviction. Please, save this innocent man from state-sanctioned murder.

Grow Grains Capable of Fighting Climate Change and World Hunger

Sustainable grains, an unlikely but powerful ally, can help the world survive the climate crisis. This crop grows yearly without replanting, reducing the need for destructive farming practices. Demand global investment in sustainable grains that can put farmers on the front lines of successfully combating climate change.

Apparent Exotic Animal Hoarder Accused of Allowing Zebras to Escape Must be Punished

The case of the escaped zebras took a tragic turn when one died in a snare trap and another was found dead on the owner’s property. The owner is accused of hoarding exotic animals and has been accused of multiple violations in the past. Demand authorities prosecute him.

Make Police Bias Transparent to Ensure Just Legal Defense

Officers who “fix” minor offenses for friends and family are routinely let off with a slap on the wrist. These infringements indicate a willingness to bend the law, and as such should be made available to defense attorneys. Sign the petition now to ensure all defendants receive a just, informed defense.

Protect Orangutans, Tigers, and Forests From Law-Breaking Palm Oil Producers

Illegal palm oil production is ramping up at the expense of forests and the climate. Demand the global palm oil leader enforce its own rules to protect vital habitats and punish flagrant violators.

Animals Reportedly Left in Filthy Conditions at “Pet Hotel” Deserve Justice

A pet hotel is accused of animal neglect after several dogs were apparently left without food or care. A customer who monitored his pet with a camera claims she was left in feces-covered blankets. Stop this alleged abuse.

Stop Dangerous Descent Into Authoritarian Rule

Poland is once again slipping into authoritarianism, and the results could be dire and far-reaching. Demand the government cease and desist efforts to extricate itself from widely popular European Union membership.

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