With your help, we have fed LOTS of shelter animals!
Over 1,521,620 Animal Shelter Meals Donated So Far
*The above tally reflects the donations made to Rescue Bank to feed shelter animals as of the start of this fiscal quarter.
Are you not yet a Premium Member and want to help us feed shelter animals?
7 day money-back guarantee for new members. Zero risk.
Premium Membership comes with the following perks:
• Get a free Animals Are Earth’s Greatest Treasure shirt.
• Feed shelter animals by spinning the Meal Wheel.
• Sign 100’s of petitions with one-click.
• Feed shelter animals with the Educational Series quizzes.
• Remove ads and vote on which petitions are displayed to millions of people.
Our Guarantee:
Cancel your subscription for any reason within 7 days and we’ll refund 100% of your money, as long as you’re a first time member.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How are the animal shelter meals donated?
We donate shelter meals through Rescue Bank because they research all shelters, maintain equitable distribution, and track the meals from their facilities all the way to the rescue groups. This ensures that the donation will be utilized in the most efficient and impacting way.
Why don’t we just donate meals without providing any perks like the Meal Wheel?
We’ve been at this since 2008 and have learned that to really make a difference, we need to get people excited and engaged. Our mission is a serious one, but our methods are playful and educational. We’re serious about doing good, but also want to make it fun.
Who are we?
We are a family of sites that works to protect animals, the environment, and more. Our sites include AnimalPetitions.org and ForceChange.com. We’ve been at this for over a decade and are dedicated to protecting and defending animals and the environment. If we can have some fun and improve the world, then we’re accomplishing our goal!
We’ve Been Doing This for Over a Decade and Others Have Taken Notice:
“Thank you SO much for the premium feature of being able to sign multiple petitions with one click. Many of us go for hours at a time signing each and every petition and crying as we read them. I have often wished for a way to sign my name on every petition because I passionately support them and they all need our voice. This is the best thing – thank you very much!”
-Karilyn K., Premium Member
“This is just the most amazing wonderful service that makes me so happy! To be able to feed shelter pets is just the greatest feeling. Thanks again for this, and for all you do for the most innocent and helpless among us, the animals. I’m lovestruck.” Sandra Z., Premium Member
“I love the upgrade option and I am so glad I did it.....it enables me to stand with you and many others to fight for the justice these precious souls deserve! We are their voice!!!! And....I adore helping to feed them as well! The spin the wheel game is fun....and I like doing it everyday to help! Keep up the wonderful work....and I know....every click makes a difference!” Dorothy B., Premium Member
“I am so excited to become a Premium Member and to have one-click signing, as I was spending countless hours signing petitions...not that I mind doing it, but my goodness, there sure are a lot of them. I always hope that my signature somehow helps, because these people that abuse/torture animals, need to be put away. As you can tell, that is my passion, I have such a heart for animals, and I want to be their voice.” Darlene R., Premium Member
“Thank you so much! I love being a premium member and spinning that wheel every day, especially when I land on 4 or, best of all, 5 meals. Thank you for all you do, we are all so grateful for you.” Sandy T., Premium Member
“With deepest Aloha, You have no idea how grateful I am for you!” Jan L., Premium Member
“Thank you for the Premium Membership option. I really appreciate that I can sign multiple petitions with one click. It's great! Thank you for the work you do.” Ashley H., Premium Member
“I absolutely love the Educational Series!” Yvonne L., Premium Member
"I am a premium member and religiously sign every petition. THANK YOU for this platform. I also vote for the petition nearest my heart, sometimes voting globally, sometimes I am caught by an individual animal's plight. What gives me great pleasure is noting that almost always, the percentages have no more than a 6-7% spread. It means that, overall, everyone cares about all of the petitions ALMOST EQUALLY! LOL, I also spin that wheel, and when I get 4 or 5 meals, I dance around the room!
I have long maintained that what someone does to a helpless animal, they will do to a weaker human if they think that they can get away with it. Those who abuse, no matter how many legs their victims have, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law." Rebecca E., Premium Member
"I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Premium Membership! Everything and anything I can do to help animals and contribute to justice in the world makes me very happy!" Jan L., Premium Member
"Thank you, I love what you do. My friends and I love the membership because we can sign so many more petitions that we may never had heard of. Keep up the good work." Virginia G., Premium Member
Still have questions? Email us: organize@forcechange.com
*Our ads are automated by Google. Please contact us if you see anything inappropriate.
More Petitions:
Make Homes More Eco-Friendly and Energy-Efficient
Eco-conscious home-building has suffered a major setback in a region that pledged needed reforms. Demand the United Kingdom honor its commitments to transition away from costly and environmentally harmful home energy fixtures.Bulldog Reportedly Beaten on Balcony Deserves Justice
A bulldog was reportedly wrested from its caretaker, then violently struck on a balcony in a shocking video. Demand decisive legal action to ensure that those apparently responsible are held fully accountable.50 cats Allegedly Starved in Hoarding Horror Deserve Justice
Over 50 cats were allegedly held in filthy confinement without proper care, prompting grave concerns about severe neglect and potential harm to an elderly individual in the same household. Demand accountability and urgent safeguards to prevent further cruelty.Justice for Puppy Allegedly Set on Fire in Crate
A pit bull puppy was apparently locked in a crate, deprived of food and water, doused in lighter fluid, and set ablaze. Demand justice and ensure those allegedly responsible face the maximum legal penalties.Protect Women From Deadly Gender-Based Violence
One woman was allegedly set on fire and another reportedly shot, both apparently by men. Call for strong and proactive aid services for survivors of gender-based violence.Protect Antarctica From Political Power Grabs
Antarctica is one of the last great hopes for global stability and peaceful cooperation. Demand the world stay united in keeping the continent safe from political turmoil and human-wrought destruction.Cat Apparently Kicked to Death: Demand Justice
A community cat known as Ken was allegedly killed by a violent kick caught on CCTV. Demand swift legal action to ensure this apparent act of cruelty does not go unpunished.Punish Trainer Who Allegedly Starved Several Puppies and Dogs
A supposed dog trainer stands accused of violating pet parents’ trust in the worst way by starving and endangering vulnerable dogs and puppies. Demand justice in a horrific case that crosses state lines.Take Action After Puppy Was Reportedly Found Starved and Weighing Only 14.8 Pounds
Tallulah, a puppy, was reportedly found weighing only 14.8 pounds and with open sores on her body. Help prevent other animals from enduring a similar fate.Dog Allegedly Kicked, Choked, and Struck by Owner Deserves Justice
A woman allegedly attacked her dog, pulling it by the leash while choking it, kicking it repeatedly, and striking it with utter disregard for its suffering. Demand justice.