A former legal baron has been indicted on the double murder of his wife and son. He is also wanted in a string of embezzlement cases and drug charges. Demand a full investigation of all charges to establish a motive in the murder trial.
Two prominent human rights activists have disappeared in an apparent kidnapping. The incident may involve a corporate-underworld nexus. Demand an immediate high-level inquiry on the missing.
An NFL Super Bowl champion has stalked and slaughtered a mountain lion with a bow and arrow. Demand justice for this wild creature.
A dog was found in a church parking lot with a plastic tie wrapped so tightly around his muzzle that his teeth and tongue were visible from outside his mouth. Demand justice for this animal.
A top conglomerate has been accused of stock market manipulation in a crucial report by a major law firm. The subsequent investor fallout resulted in a loss of some $110 billion in its value. Demand an official inquiry by the government.
The rewilding of the Galapagos Islands has helped restore plants, animals, and ecosystems previously thought lost. Applaud these successful efforts at reviving one of the world’s richest natural paradises.
“Large dogs and puppies were laying dead in a pile 10 feet off the road. A lot of them were chained just to trees, didn’t have any kind of protection from the weather and weren’t fed or watered. It was a very bad situation.” This was the scene that rescuers apparently came upon recently. Demand justice for these deceased and abused animals
Years after the violent attack on the Capitol, security is still dangerously lax. Demand politicians stop stripping away safeguards put in place for their own well-being and for democracy itself.
Reportedly, two dogs were attacked with boiling water, one cat was doused in bleach, and another cat was tortured, all in three separate incidents perpetrated by the same person. After each of these cases, the man was given a slap on the wrist and set free. Authorities must began taking animal abuse more seriously and seek the maximum penalty in this case.
Several factors worsened the devastation wrought by powerful earthquakes in the Middle East. Demand humanitarian aid include commitments to prevention and swifter responses.
A dog’s reported fatal stabbing and choking incited calls for stricter animal cruelty punishments in one state. Demand leaders listen to these public outcries for justice.
“One of the worst cases of farm animal abuse,” is how the scene has been described. The animals apparently had parasites, were starved, and had severe diarrhea. Demand justice for these farm animals.
The Autopilot suite in Tesla vehicles has been under the scanner of federal agencies due to its alleged responsibility for multiple crashes. The Department of Justice requested further clarifications from the company on this matter. Acknowledge this timely action taken by the US Government.
Chatbots, image generators, and other content creation hubs powered by artificial intelligence are on the rise and raising complex questions about digital piracy. Demand leaders provide legal clarity on this sticky subject.
A sweet dog named Macy was found roaming the streets with her muzzle locked shut with a wire and she was suffering from multiple forms of cancer. It’s been four months since Macy was rescued and yet no suspects have been arrested. Demand justice for Macy.
The United Kingdom is arguably facing the biggest public health crisis in its history. Thousands of healthcare professionals have come together for the first time, asking for better pay. Demand an immediate resolution of this serious issue.
Pope Francis has sent a powerful message about the mistreatment, imprisonment, and execution of LGBTQ+ populations. Applaud this spiritual leader’s appeal for inclusivity and empathy.
It has been more than two years since an important environmental justice law passed in New Jersey, but it awaits effective implementation from policymakers. Demand speedy enforcement of the landmark law to protect overburdened communities.
The groundhogs behind the famous holiday reportedly live existences of needless exploitation and stress throughout the year. Demand an end to this alleged cruelty under the guise of entertainment.
London has become ground zero for animal cruelty going unpunished. Demand better from England’s capital.
Several crucial gun control bills were passed in the Virginia Senate. This is a welcome first step toward setting up precedent-setting laws. Appreciate these timely actions undertaken at the Senate to prevent firearms abuse.
Cemented to the sidewalk by his own feces and “covered in fecal material, burrs, and maggots,” is how Trooper the dog was discovered. Demand the person responsible for this terrible abuse of Trooper be brought to justice.
Two human rights defenders were arrested after they volunteered in search and rescue operations for refugees stranded at the sea. Demand the Greek court drop all charges against these internationally known heroines.
Whales are dying in unprecedented numbers off and on the North Atlantic coast. Urge leaders not to be distracted by attacks on clean energy and to remain focused on the most critical threats to these animals.
A Siberian Husky got loose from his family early one morning and returned home later that day with a fatal wound from a shot to the head. Demand police devote more resources to finding Niko’s killer.