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Birds Allegedly Euthanized Due to Severe Wounds From Cockfights Deserve Justice

Seventy-four birds were allegedly forced into bloody cockfights, resulting in severe injuries and deaths. Demand legal action against those allegedly responsible for this cruel animal abuse.

Stop Cruel Transfer of Wild Elephant to Stressful City

A temple plans to capture a wild elephant and move it into a busy city, raising concerns about animal cruelty. Demand action to prevent the potential suffering of this national heritage animal.

Prevent Cocaine Tsunami From Taking Lives

Cocaine use is taking a serious toll on public health in Europe. Demand one afflicted nation confront this deadly threat.

Stop Inbreeding Dogs and Causing Severe Genetic Disorders

Unlicensed breeders are inbreeding dogs illegally, leading to severe genetic disorders and suffering. Demand legal action to protect animals from unethical breeding practices.

Dog Deserves Justice for Allegedly Enduring Painful Train Ride in Cramped Backpack

A dog was allegedly kept in a cramped backpack for an extended train ride, causing potential pain and severe stress. Demand legal action to protect animals from such mistreatment.

Protect Animals at Heritage Sites After Dog Scaled Pyramid

A dog allegedly scaled a historic monument without supervision, potentially endangering itself. Demand action to improve safety measures for animals and protect cultural heritage.

Keep Toxic Metals Out of Tampons

The components of popular menstrual products could be endangering women’s health. Call for increased safeguards that will benefit consumers.

Transform Man-Made Desert Into Oasis

Humanity is turning more of the world into barren, arid deserts. Demand leaders invest in reversing the desertification trend that is upending ecosystems, fueling food insecurity, and driving worsening weather patterns.

Dog Allegedly Hung and Brutally Beaten by Owner’s Boyfriend Deserves Justice

A man allegedly hung and viciously beat his girlfriend’s dog. Demand legal action in this apparent case of horrific animal cruelty.

Cows Allegedly Beaten and Dragged Behind Tractors Deserve Justice

Employees appear to kick, hit, and drag cows behind tractors on undercover footage taken at dairy farms. Demand legal action against those allegedly responsible for this animal cruelty.

Puppies Left for Dead in Grocery Bag Deserve Justice

Four puppies died and several more were traumatized as a result of a cruel act of abandonment. Call for apprehension and maximum punishment of the guilty party.

Help Hispanic Business Owners Forge Ahead

Hispanic contributions to the American economy are being stifled by a lack of investment in promising business opportunities. Demand an end to discriminatory financial roadblocks that are hurting livelihoods and the bottom line.

Stop Reportedly Forcing Animals into Bloody Fights for Entertainment

Rams and bulls were allegedly forced into violent fights, suffering severe injuries and distress. Demand legal action against those allegedly responsible for this cruelty.

Kittens Allegedly Starved to Death in Filthy Basement Deserve Justice

Two kittens died after allegedly being left without food or water in a filthy basement along with other pets. Demand legal action against those reportedly responsible for this severe animal neglect.

Cat Allegedly Starved to Near Death Under Animal Rescuer’s Care Deserves Justice

A cat was allegedly starved to near death while under the care of an animal rescuer. Demand legal action to protect animals from neglect and abuse.

Congress: Help Communities Devastated by Hurricanes

Millions of hurricane survivors are suffering while their elected representatives campaign for reelection. Demand Congress return to Washington and fund urgently needed disaster relief efforts.

Texas: Do Not Kill an Innocent Man

A grieving father could soon be executed for a crime he may never have committed. Demand leaders with the power tip the scales of justice in favor of life and truth.

Invest in Electric Motor Recycling

Clean energy could get a significant upgrade with the help of natural bacteria. Demand investment in this important ally of green technology.

Stop Persistent Patterns of Animal Abuse by Repeat Offenders

Repeat offenses of animal cruelty are made possible by deficiencies in the legal system. Call for protections that will keep convicted abusers from striking again.

Success: Mental Healthcare Gets a Boost

Mental health is finally earning its central place in America’s healthcare system. Applaud recent wins that advance the goal of mental wellness for all Americans.

Don’t Let Ozempic Endanger Consumers’ Health

Consumers of popular diabetes and weight loss drugs are alleging serious and possibly life-endangering side effects. Call on the nation’s top pharmaceutical regulatory agency to protect Americans from this reportedly deadly medicine.

Abolish Exploitative Puppy Farms

The closure of a massive puppy farm has sparked calls for a total ban on the practice in Tasmania. Urge leaders to follow through with this important piece of animal welfare protection.

Stop Putting Innocent Inmates to Death

Another innocent person has been freed from death row. Demand one of the only developed nations in the world to still legalize capital punishment end these barbaric miscarriages of justice.

Save African Penguins From Extinction

African penguins could become extinct by 2035 without essential safeguards. Demand leaders stop ignoring the oncoming ecological crisis.

Don’t Let Hidden Fees Take Food From Hungry School Kids’ Mouths

Hungry school kids have become the latest tools for greedy financial businesses to squeeze more money from hard-working families. Demand an end to detrimental hidden fees in the school lunchroom.

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