
Cut Pollution From Giant Trucks

Giant heavy-duty trucks are major polluters and consumers of oil. Support requiring trucks to go farther on each gallon of gas, and help protect clean air and the global climate.

african lion namibia kevin pluck

Success: Lions in Africa On Endangered Species List

One of two subspecies of African lions has been placed on the endangered species list, and the other on the threatened species list. Applaud the decision made to try protect and conserve these majestic animals.

Success: World Leaders Align Against Climate Change

Nearly 200 world leaders have come together to combat climate change. The creation of the Paris Agreement is a big step toward reducing greenhouse gases and exploring alternative energy sources. Praise the world leaders for coming together for the sake of our planet.

Stand Up for Science in Government

We need science-based policies that protect our health and the global environment. Urge candidates running for President to support good science in government.

Protect Marine Life With Smart Offshore Wind

Healthy marine ecosystems and a clean energy future can coexist when offshore wind projects are planned right. Support smart planning for offshore wind.

Success: Sale of Harmful Microbeads to be Banned

The sale of environmentally unfriendly microbeads commonly found in soaps and toothpaste will soon be banned. Commend the sponsor of the bill for his efforts to clean up the environment.

Success: Animal Agriculture’s Effect on Climate Change Discussed at Paris Conference

Animal agriculture and meat consumption’s effects on climate change were discussed at the recent Paris climate change talks. Applaud this significant discussion and push for more of them in the future.

Success: North Korea Pledges to Fight Deforestation

North Korea has pledged to fight deforestation and lower its greenhouse gas emissions. Applaud this step towards protecting our planet.

Success: Bill Introduced to Protect Arctic From Drilling

A vital part of Alaskan wilderness may finally receive federal protection from oil drilling and development, thanks to newly proposed legislation. Applaud the senators responsible for this bill and show support for its passage.

Stop Climate Change Now

It’s time to come together and save the planet from global warming and climate change. Speak up to call for a strong global climate agreement.

Save Whales and Dolphins From Deadly Explosions

Whales and dolphins are being put at risk by deadly explosions set off during Navy training exercises in their habitat. Urge the Navy to safeguard marine life by staying out of these sensitive areas.

Stop a Disastrous Coastal Oil Spill

Dangerous, dirty oil tankers have no place in sensitive wildlife habitat. Protect coastal ecosystems and the people and animals who depend on them by keeping oil tankers out.

Stop a Climate Change Catastrophe

Catastrophic climate change threatens our environment, economy, and security. Tell world leaders to support a strong global agreement to stop climate change now.

Stop All Arctic Oil Drilling

Walruses, polar bears, whales and other sensitive wildlife are threatened by Arctic oil drilling projects. Help protect the pristine Arctic from the drills once and for all.

Save Migrating Shorebirds From Big Oil

Thousands of shorebirds are at risk of being killed by a disastrous oil spill if a new oil terminal in their habitat gets build. Protect these helpless birds and other wildlife from the threat of a toxic catastrophe.

Success: Fence to Be Built Along Highway to Help Protect Panthers

Florida panthers will soon be better protected from drivers once a 10-foot high fence that stretches for miles along a major highway is built. Thank the transportation department for proceeding with this very intelligent decision.

Success: Sumatran Rhino Finds New Hope in Sanctuary

A highly endangered Sumatran rhino has journeyed from an American zoo to a sanctuary in Indonesia where he will be able to breed and interact with others of his kind. Through this program conservationists hope to save this imperiled species. Praise this effort to save the Sumatran rhino from extinction.

Stop Burger King from Destroying Rainforests

Tropical rainforests home to thousands of imperiled species are being destroyed to supply Burger King with palm oil. Fast food shouldn’t have to be a driver of deforestation and the climate change that comes with it. Tell Burger King, the world’s third-largest fast food company, to use only sustainable palm oil.

Stop Commercial Fishing in the Arctic Ocean

Climate change is causing permanent sea ice to melt and allowing fishing trawlers to enter parts of the Arctic Ocean for the first time in human history. The United States is proposing a moratorium on fishing in the Arctic Ocean. Please sign this petition to encourage the governments of Norway and Russia to join this important agreement.

Commend Country for Protecting Manta Rays

Manta rays are extremely vulnerable to overfishing, but are being hunted for their gill rakers and are in danger of extinction. Commend one country that has protected the two largest species of manta ray.

Commend Arrest of Chefs for Serving Whale Meat

Two chefs have plead guilty to serving whale meat at their restaurants. They were caught after a filmmaker found out they were serving meat from these endangered animals. Sign this petition to applaud the effort to shut down this restaurant and put the chefs in jail.

Commend Crackdown on Illegal Shark Killing

Over 2,000 pounds of illegally harvested shark fins were recently seized by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Applaud this bust, and the Department’s ongoing efforts to end the cruel practice of shark finning.

Don’t Restrict Standards for Energy Saving Technology

A new proposal would severely restrict how energy savings programs can be utilized. There is no purpose to this proposal other than to appeal to specific special interest groups that would like to see limited competition among green programs. Please lend your voice in urging that these energy programs be allowed to continue without restriction.

Stop Illegal Sand Exploitation in Vietnam

Residents in Vietnam’s Dong Nai Province are hopelessly trying to protect their homes and farms from erosion as a result of illegal sand exploitation. Illicit sand is transported on barges to nearby cities and sells for top dollar. We must stop the sale and exploitation of illegal sand in Vietnam to save valuable farming and residential properties.

Demand that European Fleets Stop Deep Sea Overfishing

European fleets have been openly disregarding the limits on fishing quotas, and are participating in harmful over-fishing. Deep-sea fish are particularly vulnerable to rampant population decimation as a result of these practices. Demand that sustainable policies are strictly enforced for these European fleets.

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