

Protect the Snow Leopard From Human-Wildlife Conflict

The snow leopard’s habitat is under threat from human encroachment and illegal hunting. Create a wildlife sanctuary to protect this iconic species and preserve the ecosystem.

Stop Climate Change From Wiping Out Komodo Dragon

The habitat of the Komodo dragon is under threat from habitat destruction, poaching, and climate change. Demand action to protect this species and maintain Indonesia’s rich biodiversity.

Ban Disposable Plastic Cups to Promote Sustainable Practices

Millions of disposable plastic cups end up in landfills and oceans every day, destroying marine life and the environment. Demand a ban on them in all cafes to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable practices.

Grant Sanctuary to Threatened Indian Elephants

The Indian elephant is under threat due to habitat destruction and human-wildlife conflict. Demand the creation of a wildlife sanctuary to protect and preserve the species and their habitat.

Reduce Plastic Waste in Fast Food Restaurants

The use of plastic cutlery in fast food restaurants threatens both marine life and the environment. Demand a ban on single-use utensils to reduce the impact of pollution and promote sustainability.

Conserve Biodiversity in the Congo Basin

The Congo Basin, one of the most biodiverse places in the world, is threatened by agriculture and industry. Sign this petition and urge the leaders to take action now.

Ban Plastic Water Bottles in Schools

The scourge of plastic litter puts animals and people at risk. Demand a ban on plastic water bottles to promote sustainable alternatives.

Ban Toxic Cyanide to Protect Mining Communities and Environment

The use of cyanide in gold mining poisons waterways and contaminates soil, leading to illness and death. Demand an immediate ban on this practice to protect human health and the environment.

Create a Wildlife Sanctuary for the Endangered Bengal Tiger

The Bengal tiger is critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. Demand a wildlife sanctuary be created to ensure the survival of this iconic species.

Don’t Prioritize Tourism Over Endangered Galápagos Penguins

The Galápagos penguin is one of the rarest penguin species in the world, and their habitat is under threat from fishing, tourism, and pollution. Demand immediate action to protect these birds and preserve the biodiversity of the Islands.

Stop Deadly Bird Flu Epidemic

Tens of millions of birds are dying at an alarming rate directly and indirectly because of bird flu. Demand leaders support vaccine intervention that could ultimately save both avian and human lives.

End the Illegal Wildlife Trade

Illegal wildlife trades pose a significant threat to the survival of endangered species and their natural heritage. Call for immediate action to end this practice and protect the future of Cambodia’s wildlife.

Save the Giant Panda From Extinction

Giant pandas are threatened by human activities that destroy their habitat. Demand protections to prevent the loss of this beloved and iconic species.

Clean Up the Polluted Ganges River to Protect Public Health

The Ganges River is highly polluted and poses a significant threat to the health of millions of people who use it for drinking, bathing, and irrigation. Demand immediate action to clean up the river and protect those who rely on it.

Stop Slaughtering Elephants for Ivory Products

Elephants are still being slaughtered for the illegal ivory trade. Demand a ban on all ivory products to stop the killing.

Stop Destroying Wetlands That House Endangered Species

Wetlands are being destroyed at an alarming rate, threatening endangered species and the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Urge the governor to stop the destruction of this important resource and preserve the natural beauty of the Everglades.

Stop Killing Essential Freshwater Lake With Dynamite and Chemicals

A freshwater lake that gives sustenance to millions of African people is threatened due to illegal fishing methods such as dynamite and chemicals. Sign this petition urging the government to take action and enforce sustainable practices.

Protect the Great Barrier Reef From Pollution and Overfishing

The Great Barrier Reef is under threat from climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Sign the petition to create a marine protected area and save this natural wonder for future generations.

Stop Plastic Bags From Choking Ecosystems and Wildlife

Plastic bags are a threat to both human health and wildlife. Take action now to ban them and protect our planet.

Save Majestic Gray Whales From Extinction

Gray whales are threatened by oil drilling, ship collisions, and climate change. Call for action to protect this species and the health of the marine ecosystem.

Protect Endangered Indian Lions From Poaching

The Indian lion is critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. The loss of this species would be an irrevocable loss to the national heritage and ecosystem. Demand action to prevent their extinction.

Stop Killing the Indian Pangolin for its Valuable Scales

The Indian Pangolin is threatened by habitat loss and poaching. Something must be done to save them before it is too late. Demand action to prevent deforestation and legally protect this unique species.

Establish Protected Area for Beautiful, Imperiled Siberian Cranes

The Siberian crane is threatened by habitat loss and hunting. Call for a protected area to preserve their existence and Russia’s natural heritage.

Protect the Monarch Butterfly From Pesticides

The monarch butterfly is threatened by habitat loss and pesticide use, endangering our ecosystems and food production. Help advocate for their protection by promoting conservation efforts.

Stop Imprisoning Bears to Extract Their Bile

Bears are stuffed into small cages and subjected to torturous treatment when they are farmed for their bile. The use of this substance in traditional medicine not only contributes to animal cruelty, but it also poses a potential public health risk. Demand a ban on this cruel practice.

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