Articles written by: Vincent Verse

Demand Justice for Cat Allegedly Waterboarded and Thrown Off Balcony

A cat was allegedly waterboarded and thrown off a balcony, suffering a broken leg. Demand justice for this apparently abused animal.

Take Action Against Shelter Staff Who Allegedly Neglected Dozens of Animals

Former animal shelter staff reportedly neglected dozens of animals, causing severe suffering. Demand justice for these seemingly abused pets.

Protect Animals From Aquarium Shut Down Amid Cruelty Allegations

An aquarium closed its doors amid accusations of animals dying in overcrowded tanks. Demand protection for the remaining inhabitants.

60 Animals Allegedly Discovered Dead, Starving, and Locked in Crates Deserve Justice

Sixty dead animals were reportedly found on a property, including cats and an emaciated horse. Demand justice for these innocent creatures.

Seek Justice for Dogs Reportedly Starving and Emaciated in Home Emitting Toxic Fumes

Over ten dogs were reportedly severely neglected in a home emitting toxic fumes. One dog apparently died due to the horrific conditions. Demand justice for these animals.

Punish Man Who Allegedly Tried to Drown and Bury Kitten Alive

A man allegedly attempted to drown and bury a kitten alive, leaving it partially buried and crying. Demand justice for this innocent animal.

Demand Justice for Dogs Reportedly Confined in Collapsing, Filthy Home

Six live dogs, and one decomposing dog, were reportedly confined in a collapsing, filthy home. Demand justice for these seemingly neglected animals.

Justice for Dog Reportedly Dead After Owner Failed to Provide Medical Care

A dog reportedly died after the owner failed to provide medical care. Demand justice for this allegedly neglected animal.

Find Person Who Left Cats Beaten and Killed in Spree of Violence

Cats have been severely beaten, with one killed, in a series of brutal attacks. Demand justice for these innocent animals.

Cat Reportedly Thrown into Traffic Sign and Severely Injured Deserves Justice

A cat was reportedly thrown into a traffic sign, suffering a pelvic injury. Demand justice for this animal and ensure the suspected perpetrator is fully prosecuted.

Dogs Reportedly Starved and Neglected in House of Horrors Deserve Justice

Over 40 dogs, including puppies, were reportedly starved and kept in their own excrement, with some puppies killed by older dogs due to inadequate separation. Demand justice for these abused animals.

Punish Man Who Reportedly Abandoned Dog During Hurricane

A dog was reportedly tied to a post and left to drown in a deadly hurricane. Seek the maximum legal penalty for the individual allegedly responsible.

Demand Justice for Puppy Who Reportedly Suffered Illegal Ear Cropping

A puppy was reportedly subjected to illegal ear cropping, causing unnecessary pain and suffering. Demand justice for this innocent animal and strict enforcement of animal cruelty laws.

Seek Justice for Blind, Starving Dog Left Chained to Fence at Night

A blind and starving dog was abandoned and chained to a shelter’s fence at night, left to suffer alone. Demand justice for this innocent animal and stronger enforcement of animal welfare laws.

Demand Justice for Dogs Reportedly Found on Floors Permeated with Urine and Feces

Six dogs were reportedly found in a home where the air was “noxious” with fumes of rot, urine, and feces. A seventh dog had allegedly already died. Demand justice for these apparently neglected animals.

Protect Animals From Being Beaten, Shocked, and Dragged Across Ground at Livestock Auctions

Animals are reportedly abused at livestock auctions, suffering from kicking, shocking, and harsh treatment. Demand legal protections to end this cruelty.

Punish Councilman for Allegedly Dragging Pig by Ears in Video

A councilman was reportedly filmed dragging a pig by its ears, sparking outrage and concerns about animal cruelty. Demand justice for this innocent animal.

Demand Justice for Dogs Reportedly Abandoned to Starve in Vacant House

Two dogs were reportedly abandoned without food or water in a filthy house, left starving for weeks. Demand justice for these animals.

Dogs Reportedly Abandoned and Starved to Death Deserve Justice

One dog died and others suffered severe malnutrition from abandonment and neglect, according to reports. Demand justice for these seemingly abused animals.

Investigate Reality TV Star Who Reportedly Hoards and Overfeeds Cats

A reality TV star allegedly hoards 11 cats in unsafe conditions, with reports of overfeeding leading to obesity and possible neglect. Demand an investigation to protect these animals.

Stop Buffalo Racing Event From Putting Profit Over Animal Safety

Traditional buffalo races are reportedly causing harm by transporting stressed animals over long distances. Demand authorities take action to prevent potential suffering.

Seek Justice for Dog Reportedly Found 29 Pounds Underweight

A poodle was reportedly found suffering from severe neglect, leading to animal cruelty charges against the owner. Demand legal action to ensure justice and prevent future acts of animal cruelty.

Demand Justice for Puppy Allegedly Burned Alive at Animal Shelter

A puppy was reportedly burned alive by staff at an animal shelter. Demand immediate legal action to ensure justice and prevent future abuse.

Seek Justice for Hundreds of Mink Reportedly Released Into Wild to Suffer and Die

Hundreds of mink were reportedly released from a fur farm into the wild, leading to their suffering and deaths due to starvation, disease, and predation. Demand legal action to prevent such acts of animal cruelty and protect both wildlife and the environment.

Demand Justice for Dozens of Cats Reportedly Found Living Without Food or Water

A woman faces charges after authorities reportedly found dozens of cats living without adequate food or water and surrounded by feces. Demand legal action.

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