Articles written by: Vincent Verse

Demand Justice for Goat Reportedly Found Locked in Car Without Basic Needs

A goat, known as Nibbles, was reportedly found locked in a cage inside a car, devoid of food and water Demand legal action against this apparent repeated animal cruelty.

Demand Justice for Dog Allegedly Struck and Choked by Walker

A professional walker allegedly struck a dog and lifted the animal by the collar while on a walk. Demand legal action against this apparent cruelty.

Stop Allegedly Skinning Pythons Alive for Luxury Fashion

Pythons are allegedly subjected to brutal conditions for fashion items. Demand an immediate cessation of these practices.

Demand Justice for Cat Reportedly Dropped in Classroom Experiment

A teacher allegedly dropped his cat during a physics experiment, causing public outrage. Demand legal accountability for the apparent mistreatment.

Seek Justice for Rooster Allegedly Sacrificed For Rituals

A ritual involving the sacrifice of a rooster was reportedly carried out during a metro construction project. Demand immediate legal attention and action.

Demand Justice for Dog Allegedly Blinded With Spray Foam

A dog was reportedly found with its eyes completely covered in spray foam. Demand strict legal repercussions.

Seek Justice for Dog Allegedly Struck Multiple Times on Head

Surveillance footage reportedly captures egregious animal cruelty. Demand immediate and stern legal action against the alleged perpetrator.

Newborn Puppies Apparently Starved as Mother Dog Struggled to Help Deserve Justice

Puppies have been reportedly found dead and in distress due to alleged neglect. Call for legal action against those responsible.

Demand Justice for Dogs Allegedly Kept in Overcrowded Shelters

Over 140 dogs were seized due to alleged neglect and poor living conditions. Demand action against those flouting animal welfare regulations.

Demand Justice for Camel Allegedly Abused in the Name of Tourism

A vacation video sparked outrage, reportedly showing the abuse of a camel. Take a stand against animal cruelty in the tourism industry.

Demand Justice for Animals Vulnerable to Harmful Festival Celebrations

Animals are exposed to potentially toxic colors during festivities. Call for legal action against this harmful practice.

Don’t Subject Animals to Potentially Terrifying, Stressful Spectacle for Entertainment

A large fair involves a “calf scramble” and “sheep wrangling” that apparently subject animals to intense trauma. Call for its immediate cancellation.

Seek Justice for Starved Cats Allegedly Forced Into Cannibalism

Reportedly, cats starved in a pound were forced into cannibalism. Demand accountability and humane treatment reforms.

Take Action Against False Animal Cruelty Allegations

A surge in false abuse reports diverts critical resources from genuine cases. Demand accountability for those misusing the system.

Dogs Allegedly Starved to Death Deserve Justice

Four dogs were reportedly discovered in states of severe emaciation, with five more found deceased, allegedly due to starvation. Call for stringent legal consequences for those implicated in this egregious animal cruelty.

Seek Justice for Golden Retriever Allegedly Found Lifeless in Sack

A golden retriever was allegedly found lifeless, hidden in a sack. Demand stringent legal repercussions for this alleged act.

Seek Justice for Dogs Allegedly Poisoned With Ammonia and Suffocated

Eighty-six dogs were found reportedly living in deplorable conditions, facing apparent neglect. Seek legal repercussions for those allegedly responsible.

Demand Justice for Wildlife Allegedly Killed and Left to Terrorize Village

Dozens of bloodied hares and birds of prey were reportedly left as a grim message by poachers. Demand immediate legal action.

Stop Alleged Illegal Hunting Near Children’s School

School children appear to have been put in danger by reckless, illegal hunting near a school. Demand legal action against those involved.

Take Action Against Use of Snake Venom for Entertainment

A party reportedly exposed attendees to potentially deadly snake venom. Demand justice and stringent action against those responsible.

Demand Justice for Sheepdog Allegedly Abandoned in Snowstorm

A sheepdog was allegedly left outside in a snowstorm without essential care. Demand immediate legal action.

Demand Justice for Dogs Allegedly Locked Away Without Food or Water

Multiple dogs were found in deplorable conditions, reportedly suffering from severe malnutrition and neglect. Call for immediate legal action against the accused.

Seek Stronger Penalties for Premeditated Cases of Animal Cruelty

A stray dog was shot with an arrow in a cruel act of alleged revenge that resulted in only a minor penalty. Demand stricter accountability in animal cruelty cases.

Stop Killing Roosters for Human Entertainment

Fifty roosters were reportedly found in distress, part of an alleged illegal cockfighting ring. Call for stringent legal consequences for all involved.

Demand Justice for Dogs Allegedly Neglected and Abused

Several dogs were reportedly found neglected and abused. Demand legal punishment for this alleged wrongdoing.

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