I am a freelance writer living in Tennessee who has a deep passion for animal welfare, environmental, and other progressive causes.
As big mammal culls continue raging across Europe, Sweden has refused to halt a controversial annual cull that will kill one-fifth of its rapidly dwindling brown bear population. Demand leaders take steps to end the legalized slaughter.
Firefighters risk their lives every day, and often the tools meant to protect them are causing them the most harm. Applaud successful efforts to eliminate the threat posed by forever chemicals.
A dog days away from being put to sleep was rescued, but she carries a legacy of unspeakable abuse in the dog fighting world. Demand authorities find and hold accountable the individuals responsible for Olive’s suffering.
Legal Haitian immigrants have been thrust into the national spotlight because of a hateful and racist conspiracy theory advanced by prominent politicians. Call on one of the authors of this chaos to make amends for placing a target on his own constituents.
Domestic abusers are weaponizing technology to maintain control over their victims. Demand lawmakers do more to end the use of smart technology in domestic violence.
A deadly conflict in Africa has been worsened by the indirect participation of one of America’s allies. Demand leaders stand against supplying arms to perpetrators of war crimes.
Extreme heat is claiming the lives of workers from across the American labor force. Urge immediate action to stop this deadly trend.
Over 80 domesticated animals were reportedly gunned down in a shocking and extended shooting spree. Call for justice for these innocent victims of a heinous and heartless reported act.
A new tarantula species with an eye-catching appearance is already facing threats to its existence. Demand robust conservation measures to preserve a member of one of the planet’s most ecologically diverse regions.
Another deadly school shooting has reignited the debate about gun safety. Call on lawmakers to stop kicking the can down the road at the cost of their constituents’ lives.
Equality and fairness for the marginalized are increasingly being scrubbed out of the consumer world. Demand corporations stop surrendering to attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Weapon attacks against animals are on the rise. Social media is stoking the flames. Call on influential leaders to stop the rapid online spread of vicious cruelty.
A high-profile politician has put himself in the midst of several controversies concerning possible mistreatment of animal remains. Demand Robert Kennedy, Jr. be held accountable for his apparent violations of federal laws.
One of the internet’s fastest-growing retailers continues to face accusations that it ignores widespread labor exploitation. Call on SHEIN to protect all the employees who drive its business.
Deadly climate-driven storms are on the rise, and it’s past time for polluters throwing fuel on the fire to pay the price, literally. Call for an internationally backed drive for legal and financial climate justice.
A suspected crime of horrific sexual violence has once again brought attention to the dangers faced by India’s women. Demand leaders answer calls for expanded protections for vulnerable populations.
Greenhouse gases and toxins are just waiting to be unleashed from earth’s melting North. In the process, they could wreak unimaginable havoc. Demand global leaders take urgent action to protect permafrost.
Veterinary workers are on strike and sick and injured pets are paying the ultimate price. Call on the corporations driving pet care to make things right for underpaid employees and frantic pet parents facing unbearable decisions.
Several women were allegedly sexually harassed at a border checkpoint. The accused perpetrator received minimal legal reprimand. Call for real justice in this disturbing case.
The CrossFit Games began with tragedy and ended in controversy after the possibly preventable death of an athlete. Call on the games’ leaders to protect the health and well-being of participants.
Rivers are being polluted and aquatic life endangered by the continued dumping of untreated sewage. Stop this ongoing threat to people and nature.
Popular cosmetics products reportedly contain harmful, health-destroying chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin. Demand an end to forever chemicals that pose a direct threat to consumers.
A weeks-old puppy was the victim of a brutal assault that may cost the young animal an eye. Call for full legal retribution in this horrific case.
Patients may soon see much lower prescription drug prices, less burdensome credit scores, and needed debt relief. Applaud major efforts to make Americans’ good health less costly.
Nurses are a lifeline of healthcare, but they are leaving the profession in record numbers. Demand medical leaders address and correct the root issues of this crisis that’s endangering patients.