I am a freelance writer living in Tennessee who has a deep passion for animal welfare, environmental, and other progressive causes.
It has faced opposition from lawmakers who want to cripple it for alleged budgetary reasons. Increasingly, the will of the people has made it a reality in states with strong backlash from those in office. Celebrate Virginia as the latest victory for Medicaid and healthcare coverage expansion.
Child marriages can lead to a lifetime of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse for the young people often forced into these unions. One young woman, compelled by her family’s personal history, took the issue straight to the halls of her state government. Applaud her success in helping change a century-old law that sheltered child abusers.
Every day, victims of human trafficking are sold alongside used clothes and disposable goods. Certain websites have become refuges for exploiters and abusers of every stripe. Congress recently dealt a serious blow to these criminal acts. Urge legislators to continue the fight against online sex trafficking.
Abuse, imprisonment, and death are the legacy of Asia’s only greyhound racetrack. In July this tragic legacy will be part of history. Applaud the soon-to-be-abolition of an insidiously cruel practice on the world’s largest continent.
China has armed itself for war against environmental destruction. Their weapons of choice are millions of trees that will soon shelter some of the country’s most polluted regions. Support the world’s most ambitious reforestation project.
Skin and eye irritation, force-feeding to induce illness, and forceful chemical ingestion to determine ‘lethal dose’: these are a few of the common ‘testing’ methods performed on animals. For decades, cosmetics and personal care product manufacturers have implemented these brutal practices with impunity. Praise and support the efforts of one state to fight inhumane animal testing.
If a lobster possessed the vocal chords to scream, could you hear its cries of agony emanating from a cooking pot? One country believes the answer is a definitive yes. Applaud the steps Switzerland is taking to restore a humane approach to a highly divisive practice.
President Trump recently gutted two national parks. Without strong action, these and other natural wonders will face disintegration and destruction. With willing allies, we can stop these travesties. Join the fight for Utah’s and America’s sacred environments.
Bolstered by the unified voices of unwavering advocates, a global airline forged powerful partnerships that ultimately rescued scores of animals from devastating conditions. Hurricanes Harvey and Maria left untold victims and survivors in their wake, among them the many animals that inhabit Texas and Puerto Rico. Lend your support to rescue efforts underway for these animals and encourage future aid.